
Should I be eating extra calories while I am breastfeeding, and if so how many? I am almost exclusively breastfeeding. Cheers.


  • You really should ask your doctor to get a correct answer. But it is probably close to 500.. And extra dairy also.
  • Breastfeeding burns calories. I'm sure you can find more information easily online about how many, but I also have heard that it is usually around 500 calories/day. I've heard it's a great way to manage baby weight!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I agree it is around 500 calories a day.
  • I am also breastfeeding, although my daughter is mostly weaned now. Breastfeeding burns an extra 300-500 calories a day and you are supposed to take in a minimum of 1500 calories in order to keep your milk supply. I started dieting in June and was only taking in around 1200 calorie a day and started losing my breastmilk so I quit the diet for a couple more months until my daughter turned one and now I'm back at the diet. I only feed her once in the morning and once in the evening so I'm not too worried about taking in extra calories for it. Just listen to your body, if your baby doesnt seem to be getting full, bump your calories.
  • I ate approximately 1600 calories a day when I was nursing my 3rd child and lost about 1 to 2 pounds per week. I did not exercise officially, although chasing three kids all day was exercise in and of itself.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    You can add it to your food diary - just search for breastfeeding and there are several options that add calories based on how often you're nursing.