When do you?

I'm a Full time working MOM of 3 kids who enjoys exercise but has hard time fitting into my busy day. I have PCOS so my blood sugar is fragile and if I go long without eating I feel shaky and yucky so ...my ? is..When do you all working folks cook your supper meal and eat your supper meal? and exercise?? By the time I get home at 530pm or 600pm I"m starved but by the time I cook and eat and let my food digest I feel it's too late to go for a run. Any advice??


  • fairygirl716
    Have you looked into the cook once a week or month thing? I know that you can have it all prepared for you and just throw it in the oven when you get home. Another option is if you have a newer oven to use your presets and set it to cook so that it is ready when you get home. One other option is slow cooker meals. Lots of great recipes for that and it is ready when you get home.
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    I try to get in a little bit of excercise before bed and when i get up. Usually the quietest time for me. Also i make my dinners for the week because i work at night on the day before i go in to work. That way during the week all i have to do is grab them and microwave them at work. I find that helps me have more time during the week to excercise too becaus i don't have to get things ready for work.
  • Jeliica
    My mom prepares everything on sunday. She makes enough food for the week so she can come home and heat it up. Then friday night she just buys some food, [she's tiny, so she eats anything, lucky her, lol] But she season chicken and bakes it, she makes soup, pasta, whatever she can for my brother. I'm easier, I just eat soup and drink protein shake, so no fussy. But you have kids, so make mac and cheese, or bake fish, there are some easy 30 mins recipes on rachel ray website. And they are yummy! Good luck to you!
  • lisastrom
    lisastrom Posts: 108 Member
    I find it best to make myself get out of bed and exercise in the morning. I've never been a morning person but I have to make myself get up and at it because I'm in the same situation as you and there is no other time for me.

    It's hard at first but it works!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I have a pressure cooker which I can just put on and go for a walk while it is cooking. Stays hot for ages, and I have leftovers the next day. Planning what you are going to eat a week in advance helps too. Some days it can be easy as having some pre-prepared chicken tenders over a salad.

  • RJSuperMan
    RJSuperMan Posts: 52 Member
    I have to cook all of my meals on Sundays. Not only does that let me eaily grab the meals I need for the time I'll be away from home, it also helps me stay on my meal plan (eat or have to throw it out). Then, I make my last meal the largest (pre-workout) and eat it before I get home to make dinner for the kids (I also pre-cook as much as I can for them). After that, I'm slingin' plates...
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Book exercise like you would any other appointment. Don't miss it.

    Even if you only do 30 mins 3x a week, it's better than nothing. You will find ways to fit it in.

    Cooking ahead (I do this most Sundays and put in the freezer in single serves) is wonderful!! It's a bit easier for me because I'm single and only cooking for myself, but throw something in the oven and disappear for half an hour for a quick walk around the block. Come home and dinner is ready!! Get the kids involved too - both in cooking AND exercising. Get them out on their bikes while you're walking. If it's fun time for them, they'll FORCE you to let them go most days....

    I like to exercise after work, but before dinner. once I sit down and eat my dinner, the last thing I want to do is get up and exercise.
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    i only cook a few times a week. i plan out my meals and have them ready to grab and go. if i thinks it's going to be tough to get a workout in in the evening i will set my alarm and get up an hour early to workout, its a nice way for me to start my day.
  • brantsmom1
    brantsmom1 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a working mother and I try to keep my weekly meals to stuff I can crock pot, and on Sunday we grill several pounds of chicken breasts so those are ready for short notice that way when I get home by 5:45 dinner is ready, we eat, go over home work, then I work out by 8:30 ish for an hour, just in time to ged the kiddo into bed. But he is old enough now to bath himself and get himself ready so that is a huge help. No way could I do it early in the morning. That would require me to get up at like 5 am to work out so I could shower and be ready for the long commute to work. That would not happen.

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  • ABetterBalance
    On work days I either try and get up early and then make dinner around 6:00 or 6:30. When I don't get up early, I get home about 5:30 and I try and workout right away- then I make dinner at 6:30 or 7:00.
  • brandejones
    brandejones Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I did the crock pot today and was able to eat early and am going to go out for a run now!!!