What would YOU do?

brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
I found someone's check book on the ground today and went and returned it to their bank. It got me thinking about how a surprising amount of people in my class (studying to become a CMA) said that if they found money on the ground, no matter how much, they'd keep it. In some situations I suppose I understand not bothering to try to find the person (like at a concert, crowded grocery store, etc.) but personally, I don't think I'd keep it for myself. If it was like, 10 bucks, sure, whatever. But more than that? If I was unable to return it or didn't trust it would get returned, I'd "keep" it, but find someone who needs it more than I do like the various homeless people around here and give it to them. Even if it's "just" 20 bucks, that 20 dollars can mean a whole meal or two for someone that really needs it. What would you do if you found money on the ground?


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I think more than how much, it depends on WHERE I found it.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I would like to say I wouldn't keep it. I would REALLY like to say that. But i would >.<

    Thats only if it was straight cash. If I found a wallet with the money in it. Then no I would not keep it
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    a checkbook is different, i wouldnt just write myself a check that would be sooo wrong. but if i found actual cash, if i didnt see the person drop it, id keep it.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    If it's cash, and there's no way to know where it came from... keep it.

    If it's a card/wallet/checkbook, I'd try to return it.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I found $20 on the ground. I gave it to a homeless person.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I agree with the "where" aspect. Also, a check book is a bit diff than money. If I found a $100 dollar bill on the ground, I would understand that most people who can't afford to be dropping them wouldn't be. Its a hard decision. You don't really know until you've run into the actual circumstances. I've found wallets and looked up their info online to call them and have them meet me to pick it up... but a random bill lying on the ground, it always depends on where it was.
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    I found $80 in the middle of an empty parking lot late at night while walking with a friend. There would have been no way to locate who lost it so we split it. But not too long ago someone left their wallet on top of a gas pump. It was overflowing with cash and I was glad that I found it so it could be returned :)
  • Jelleebean
    i've found money a few times.. twice being $100 bux.. and, without batting an eyelash, it went in my pocket.... the wallet i once found on my way to work, and an id in it, and it was right around the corner from where i'd found it, so, i took it back, knocked on the door, and the persons mother thanked me for returning it.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    I would def. return a check book or whole wallet...anything if I knew who to take it to....but, one time I did find a hundred dollar bill in the middle of the mall parking lot.....it was a huge shopping mall so I did keep it...not ure what else I could have really done with it!!!
  • turquoise15
    If there was no way for me to find the owner, I would donate the money to a good cause. I wouldn't feel right keeping it.
  • whatwentwrong
    for money, i think 20 would go in my pocket, 40 and over would go to the nearest store in case someone came to pick it up. anything in a wallet would result in me trying to find the owner- i've lost my wallet twice, and it was returned both times, and i am extremely thankful for that.

    checkbook would DEFINITELY try to be returned, and failing that, be torn up and thrown away, because while picking money off the ground is not a crime, forging someone's name on a check most definitely is.
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I try to return it. I've walked out of Walmart without paying for my drink before, and I always go back and pay, if not right then, then the next day. But if I found cash and was unable to return it, I'd prob put it in the offering plate at church. Unless I needed it. Sometimes God provides when you're in need, but really, how often am I in that much need?

    Sweet story... One of my former students worked at the school after hours, helping the janitorial staff. She found 7 cents while vacuuming my room, and brought it to me because it wasn't hers! Talk about honesty! I'd trust her with millions. :smile:
  • IAmTheAwesomest
    if it were checks yes I would return it, cash no.
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    I have been in this situation before and I have always returned it. If I was unsure who it was or how to return I would donate it. My brother lost his wallet in another country, and some man turned it in to local police. Boy we were so lucky!! At least there are some honest people still in this world.
  • Krull_the_WarriorKing
    checkbook, wallet, credit card - I turn in.
    Cash - I'm keeping
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    if i did not see the person who dropped it and it was just cash i would keep it if it was in a bag or a wallet i would never
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    If just cash is laying on the ground and you didn't see who dropped it then it's basically impossible to return it.

    however anytime a wallet or checkbook is returned it's pretty easy to return and anyone that isn't a scum bag would return it with any and all money that was in it.

    a couple dropped $40 in wal-mart when they were shopping and I picked it up and gave it back to them. I was like 15 at the time so they were pretty shocked but I just can't fathom keeping someone else's hard earned money. I know i'd be pretty pissed if i dropped money and someone kept it.
  • poisongirl1
    poisongirl1 Posts: 93 Member
    It depends on if I know who dropped the cash, if I don't know then there's not really any way to return it. One time I was in a car at a red light and saw a bunch of twenties blow to the sidewalk next to the car, so I looked around and there was a woman chasing twenties on the other side of the street, I guess she used the ATM and the wind blew the money out of her hands. I got out of the car and ran around grabbing the money around the car and sidewalk and brought it back over it her. There's been other times, I'll see someone drop some money while going through their wallet, or paying for something, and I always give it to them. But if I don't know whose it is I can't return it. Wallets, cards, or cheque books I would always return because there's actually a name.
  • MicMar66
    MicMar66 Posts: 186 Member
    I found cash in the "self-checkout" machine at the supermarket...I brought it up to the service window. My husband said I was nuts...I like to think what goes around comes around.
  • ncgatorfan
    I found an iPAD on first class in June to Hawaii. The owner had remotely wiped it clean, so there was no identification on it. I thought about turning it into the airlines, but my goodness, they have so much of our stuff as it is! So, I kept it.

    I got hooked on it for about 2 weeks and decided, for some reason, to take off the black standard cover it came with from Apple. On the back, I discovered that it belonged to St. Jude's Children's Research in California. Oh the guilt!!! I knew I was going to hell if I kept it one more day.

    Turns out the VP of the IT Dept was the one who left it on there. Now you would think he would reward me with a new one or tell me to keep it? NO. But keeping riches that don't belong to you will come back to bite you every time. I don't want to go to hell!