Sexy and Sassy - Week2 (Closed Group)



  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I want to apologize to you all for not being on. I just got my computer back...even the it guy at work couldn't figure out what my 8 yr old did to my computer.
    I was able to complete all challenges for the Bushmen series. I wasn't able to log anything saturday or the end of friday but I know I went over calories yesterday, went and saw my friends band play at the local bar and it was their last show so the beers were flowing.

    Weigh ins are due to me today please. I remain!
  • spurradic
    spurradic Posts: 153 Member
    i did all of the bushmen challenges for the week and at least 5 5ks. was under calories and over water every day, and even despite all of that, as of this morning i too have remained the same weight :( at least i can help the team by just lost as to why im not losing :(
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    I'm back!! It was an awesome camping trip traveling around Lake Superior. A word to the wise, don't EVER go on a camping trip with a hired chef. We ate way too much and hard to work hard to work it off. That was probably a good thing because I could complete all the challenges and extra miles with ease (although I did the pygmy challenges because I couldn't take the ribbing from "bringing weights on a camping trip". I completed all the challenges, met the water goal each day and met the food goal 5 of the six days (sorry, but look at the menus). I did get the all the extra miles in for more points. I have great pictures that I wish I could share (maybe, I'll keep changing my profile pic). Oops, I almost forgot - negative weight loss, I now weight 122 pounds. I'm not too worried, it should come off now that I have to cook for myself again.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    To all of you who worked so hard this week, I forgot to say, GREAT JOB!
  • zukekitty
    No weight loss this week :( I have learned that I can't eat all my exercise calories back. I seem to have gained a half inch all around too. i have noticed being bloated all week. Need to stay away from the Mexican food.

    Completed all Bushman, one 5K, was under calories and met or over water all 6 days.
  • ahalla
    ahalla Posts: 66 Member
    I am now at 163.1 so just a little lost, but I will take it!! I completed all pygmy workouts and extra miles on Monday and Wednesday then a 5k on Saturday. I was under calorie and over water every day!! Let's go week 3.
  • MySonsRMarines
    MySonsRMarines Posts: 13 Member
    OK, here are my stats:

    Week one: over water, under calories, pygmy done, tabatas done, exercise done.
    Weight: 169 to 167 ~ lost 2 pounds

    Week two: over water, under calories, pygmy done, tabatas done, exercise done.
    Weight: 167 to 165 ~ lost 2 pounds

    Week three: over water, under calories, pygmy done, tabatas done, exercise done.
    Weight: 165 to 164 ~ lost 1 pound