Just a note 9/11

Ten years has gone by and we all still remember the day. We remember where we were and what we were doing. We remember who we called and almost everyone knew of someone that was directly impacted. We have not forgotten and we will not forget. We still stand united. We still stand strong. We still remember our fighting men and women across the seas and we still feel pride when we see our officers and firemen. We know their sacrifice and we respect them for it. Terrorists tried to weaken us that day but only succeeded in making us stronger. Terrorists tried to strike fear in us but only made us fearless. Terrorist tried to hurts and while they did that they never counted on how quickly we would recover. Terrorists attacked a country and unleashed the wrath of a United Nation. Terrorists thought we would quake and tremble at what they did, but they were the ones running scared. Terrorists thought this attack would scar us only to learn you should not wound what you can not kill. We are the United States of America and we are stronger then ever, we are prouder then ever, and we are united more then ever. Don't Tread on US!
