Strategy for pre dinner munchies



  • carabelle207
    carabelle207 Posts: 11 Member
    I also have an hour commute & totally have had the same problem! I started eating flavored almonds on my way home or right before I leave work so I don't get so hungry. Then I'll have carrot sticks or sugar free gum while I'm cooking so I'm chewing something that's not lots of mindless calories. I used to snack on whatever I could find.
  • ChrisRShaw
    ChrisRShaw Posts: 23 Member
    Here is my favorite "snack" right now. I make about 20 ounces of chicken broth (with the powder) bring it to a boil and then drop an egg into it and let it cook for a minute. I call it Home Made Eggdrop soup. Under 100 calories and really fills me up (because of the liquid). Probably not ideal if you are avoiding sodium.
    FABRICWOMAN Posts: 539 Member
    I always fit a 100 calorie snack pack of something that I can throw in my purse for emergencies. It is also logged into MFP diary. My favorite is currently Cliff Bar thin chocolate chip bars. Two to a pack and very crispy. Delicious with a cup of tea. I do IF (12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m.), so a large mug of hot tea takes the edge off in the morning when I want to eat something.
  • northbyvertigo
    northbyvertigo Posts: 2 Member
    Shouldn’t this thread be over on the “food and nutrition” discussion page?
  • LisaGetsMoving
    LisaGetsMoving Posts: 664 Member
    Years ago I used to have to stay late twice a week and couldn't handle the hunger, so I ended up having soup in a drinkable to go mug that I could warm up in the microwave before heading home. I would sip on the soup on my way home so I wasn't ready to gnaw my arm off or worse: hit the drive through and eat way too much fast food.
  • stephie_nyc
    stephie_nyc Posts: 96 Member
    Ooh yes I have to save calories for that. I don't eat until 7:30 and feel like I need a nibble around 4:30 or 5:00. I'll save a max of 200 calories but lately I've been having two packets of miso soup, 35 calories each, made with a full two cups of water. It's really perfectly low calorie and holds me over until 7:00
  • jobo0308
    jobo0308 Posts: 1 Member
    2 tips that might be tricky for a commute but, 1. flavored electrolyte water curbs all sorts of cravings and you are getting hydrated. 2. I have never been a smoothie person, BUT have converted! I like Orgain vanilla. It's sweet, or whatever you want it to be, and satisfies me without too many excess calories. Plus, I make it with water so I count it as part of my water intake. 2 scoops in a blender bottle and good to go. I feel full enough to make it to dinner.
  • carlaringuette
    carlaringuette Posts: 158 Member
    Shouldn’t this thread be over on the “food and nutrition” discussion page?

    Sorry I'm new with posting
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,042 Member
    Risking an onslaught of Disagrees here - but were it me, I would avoid eating during my commute. Why? Because distractedly-eaten calories may temporarily fill my tummy, but wouldn't satisfy my need to stop and enjoy what I was eating. For me, enjoying each and every morsel that crosses my lips is very important. Does that make sense?

    I would much rather have something to look forward to that was prepped and ready to eat the minute I walked in the door. With pre-chopped ingredients, I can throw together a delicious veggie or turkey wrap in the time it takes for the kettle to boil.
  • carlaringuette
    carlaringuette Posts: 158 Member
    spyro88 wrote: »
    I understand not wanting to eat on the commute at the moment (and in some cases it's not possible anyway if you're on public transport and need to wear a mask).

    Can you eat a snack just before you leave work instead? Or you could have a low-calorie snack ready for the moment you get home?

    Another possibility is to not have potato chips or cheese sticks in the house if they are messing up your eating plan. Or, if you are simply eating too many of them, pre-portion them out into small bags so that the portions are calorie controlled and you can have some when you get home without overdoing it.

    My daughter still lives with us and my husband is the opposite of me, he needs to gain. I didn't get them this week and no one has said anything yet. Thanks for the tips.
  • carlaringuette
    carlaringuette Posts: 158 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the wonderful tips. Slowly getting back on the wagon.

    I have a bad habit of not looking at the clock until after 5. I'm in a small office just me and my Financial Advisor. Even though I have an alarm set I get into my work. I think I will use that alarm to pack up &have my snack and if I go over I'll have it while I'm cooking when I get home.

    Today's treat - grapes!

    To the poster who said I am on the wrong thread, I do apologize. I am still a bit new to posting.

    To everyone else thank you for being so supportive and sharing your journey.

  • Missesq
    Missesq Posts: 1 Member
    I try to budget in my snacks that I enjoy. I find if I try to deny myself those snacks, I feel deprived and this is just not sustainable. I like to have a nice treat at night before I go to bed so I just budget it into my day. I would also suggest that you pack a snack to eat on your commute home. I find if I have a snack around 4pm I eat a lot less food at dinner. I have lots of go to's (I try to budget around 200 calories and make it healthy): Apple with cheese ( or peanut butter). I make a spinach dip with labneh instead of sour cream so it's got a good amount of protein in it and eat that with whole wheat crackers. Almonds. It's amazing how much less hungry I am at dinner even though we eat several hours later.
  • Facet14
    Facet14 Posts: 7 Member
    Bulk cook and put in fridge and freeze. then you've got a healthy meal that you only have to heat up.

    make sure you're not undereating in the day.

    drink lots of water.

    eat low calorie fruit/veg as you can really fill up for not many calories. for example 100g of dairy milk chocolate is 524. 100 grams of cucumber is 15
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I don't work outside the home, but I need to avoid tastes and bites while I make the food, and the cure for me is to have a cup of yogurt or other small 80-100 calorie snack about an hour before dinner. Then I can cook while being just hungry enough to happily anticipate it getting done, but not being shaky and snarly and weepy.
  • Joyfulandactive
    Joyfulandactive Posts: 111 Member
    I have protein bars that are often my 3-5pm snack with a cup of tea. Protein fills you up and stops hunger pangs until dinner. Also make sure you are drinking 8 glasses of water a day, if you are dehydrated and ignoring it your body will crave food to get liquid.
  • joyanna2016
    joyanna2016 Posts: 323 Member
    I also have to eat immediately when I walk in the door - because of both hunger and habit. My go-to's are: a protein bar OR celery/raw carrots OR a cooked bowl of veggies already proportioned out and stacked in the fridge just waiting to be microwaved OR ALL of these things if it's that kind of day where I'm starving or stressed out. 😅
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,172 Member
    I'm not great at "plan ahead" - I hope you may be better at adulting! Often, when I cook dinner, I start by cutting up some raw veggies (jicama, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, sugar snap peas, hakurei turnips, radishes, sweet peppers, etc.) and snack on those while I'm cooking the actual meal. Something like chevre on a couple of tasty but calorie-efficient crackers is also an option.
  • AshHeartsJesus
    AshHeartsJesus Posts: 460 Member
    I would find some low cal fruit or veg I loved and snack on that
    Air popped popcorn just watch the sprays they lie when they say zero caories 💩
    Non-fat greek yogurt flavored however you want

    LORD JESUS bless💟