Looking for some gently tough love accountability friends

Hi. I'm Shelly, 48 and over 200 pounds. I'm hoping to find other women about my age with similar stats who would like to gently push each other forward.

I'm all for major encouragement, but if I'm having a hard time getting off the couch, I'd like someone to give me a push to get moving.

No coddling allowed and no bullying, just gentle tough love.



  • geanster
    geanster Posts: 43 Member
    edited March 2021
    Hi Shelly! I’m Gina, early 40s, over 200 and I’d love to find some accountability partners/friends. A community has always been an integral piece in my success and I will be there to post and support. This is my first community post and I’m interested how this will work as a message board. Anyway, I’d love to know more about your journey and goals and can share more.
  • pungshe1
    pungshe1 Posts: 23 Member
    Quite honestly I'm not sure how it will work other than we can keep responding here. I will do some research tonight to see if we can form a board or something. So glad you want to join me! We can do this!
  • pungshe1
    pungshe1 Posts: 23 Member
    I created a group for us. It's called Gentle Tough Love over 40 Women. That way we can have a private group and hopefully others will join us.
  • geanster
    geanster Posts: 43 Member
    edited March 2021
    @pungshe1 I tried to find the group yesterday with no luck and will try again now but wanted to check in. Today was the last day of my 4th 8 week bootcamp since June and I know I need an accountability plan to help the momentum. I’m happy to share what’s helped me in this time so far. Happy Friday!