Lack Of Motivation 😩

So I’m not to sure if I am doing this right but I need advice and help. I have struggled with weight since high school. Currently I have gained some serious “quarantine” weight. I’m super depressed, but I finally got up and decided to make today my day 1. Does anyone have any tips or things to help get up daily and stay on the right path of health? Anything helps. Thank you 🙏🏽


  • shellyandcorey
    shellyandcorey Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Like you I've done this weight Rollercoaster since highschool.
    I've been at this for just over a month now and the tips I have are as follows:
    1)Plan for the sugar cravings! It takes at least a full week for them to start to subside. Have other healthier snacks available until then. I used raisins as my small burst of sweet. ;)
    2) Find a way to incorporate Fibre! My system had no idea how to handle this new way of eating and its been a bit of a struggle to keep it regular..if you know what I mean!
    3) know that the scale will fluctuate. Some days it may bounce up a few pounds! Its so discouraging! But if you know that its all normal for the fluctuations you can stay the course easier and make it to the next weigh in day when things move in the right direction.
    4) If you can, walk every single day! When I don't, the scale notices. Lol!
    5) It took time to get here...its not an overnight fix. Be patient with yourself. You're changing your habits and your lifestyle and thats not easy but is incredibly worth while. Give yourself credit!
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    small changes.

    Motivation is going to run out, even if you find it. It is fickle. It will also lie and tell you to make ALL THE CHANGES NOW, leave you without the capability of carrying through all those changes because they're too big and there are too many of them.

    Spend a bit just tracking what you eat. Make it a habit. Plug your food into your diary before you eat it. When that is automatic, figure out what your maintenance calories are. Get used to eating THOSE for a little bit and the idea of having a 'ceiling' on how much you can eat. Then start shaving some calories off.

    I'm not saying those have to take a month at each stage, but take some time and get your brain into the game WITHOUT motivation and it feeling like a big, daunting, deal.

    exercise? Same. Do a 10 minute youtube walking workout every day when you wake up - or a stroll around the block. Build from there.

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,889 Member
    Welcome aboard!

    Motivation is a tricky one. There's many days you just won't have it. But you know what? You still have to stick with the program. Over time you can develop habits. There's days I am not motivated to get up and go to work, but I do it anyway. Same with using MFP and working on your fitness and weight goals.

    What ARE your goals? What strategies are you planning to use to approach the short- and long-term goals?

    Consider, too, that when you get to your goal, you're not done. You do get to add a few calories back, but you basically are trying to make a new way of life. Make sure whatever you attempt is something you can make a life-long habit.
  • LisaGetsMoving
    LisaGetsMoving Posts: 664 Member
    I don't know what it takes to motivate other people, let alone myself most days, but what I have discovered after dutifully logging in all my calories and exercise is that the math doesn't lie. If you eat at a deficit you will lose. If you move your body more, whether it's daily walking or hitting the gym or cardio boxing on your Xbox, then you can eat a little more and still lose. If you have a very long way to go, then embrace the idea that you are creating a new-ish lifestyle and that is going to take weeks and weeks and months of practice. Try to have fun with it. Work in the foods you love and the exercise you enjoy. The time is going to pass either way. In a year you can look back and be amazed or ashamed, what is that going to look like?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,881 Member
    Motivation is internal. You can get all the inspiration, encouragement and incentive to be great, but it's STILL up to you to do it. And the easiest way to do that is to have a plan of action. Once you have concise plan of action, make notes, and stick them to your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, and car visor. Look at them everyday and follow that plan REGARDLESS of how you feel. Good or bad. When it becomes so routine, you don't even need motivation because it just becomes a habit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • skinnyrev2b
    skinnyrev2b Posts: 400 Member
    small changes.

    Motivation is going to run out, even if you find it. It is fickle. It will also lie and tell you to make ALL THE CHANGES NOW, leave you without the capability of carrying through all those changes because they're too big and there are too many of them.

    Spend a bit just tracking what you eat. Make it a habit. Plug your food into your diary before you eat it. When that is automatic, figure out what your maintenance calories are. Get used to eating THOSE for a little bit and the idea of having a 'ceiling' on how much you can eat. Then start shaving some calories off.

    I'm not saying those have to take a month at each stage, but take some time and get your brain into the game WITHOUT motivation and it feeling like a big, daunting, deal.

    exercise? Same. Do a 10 minute youtube walking workout every day when you wake up - or a stroll around the block. Build from there.

    ^^^^So much THiS^^^^
  • Lynatea
    Lynatea Posts: 311 Member
    small changes.

    Motivation is going to run out, even if you find it. It is fickle. It will also lie and tell you to make ALL THE CHANGES NOW, leave you without the capability of carrying through all those changes because they're too big and there are too many of them.

    Spend a bit just tracking what you eat. Make it a habit. Plug your food into your diary before you eat it. When that is automatic, figure out what your maintenance calories are. Get used to eating THOSE for a little bit and the idea of having a 'ceiling' on how much you can eat. Then start shaving some calories off.

    I'm not saying those have to take a month at each stage, but take some time and get your brain into the game WITHOUT motivation and it feeling like a big, daunting, deal.

    exercise? Same. Do a 10 minute youtube walking workout every day when you wake up - or a stroll around the block. Build from there.

    ^^^^So much THiS^^^^

    Your DETERMINATION has to trump your motivation. Every. Single.Day!

    You can do this, welcome to MFP.
  • moorea26
    moorea26 Posts: 21 Member
    dineroftw wrote: »
    So I’m not to sure if I am doing this right but I need advice and help. I have struggled with weight since high school. Currently I have gained some serious “quarantine” weight. I’m super depressed, but I finally got up and decided to make today my day 1. Does anyone have any tips or things to help get up daily and stay on the right path of health? Anything helps. Thank you 🙏🏽

    It sounds so old school but perhaps a vision board. Something to see everyday that you are working towards. Welcome! I am struggling for motivation myself.
  • anawake13
    anawake13 Posts: 99 Member
    When I first started again (six weeks ago) I told myself I could stay in control for one day. I had to reaffirm each day. It seemed impossible to look at the time it was going to take to drop 40 lbs so I set goals along the way like 5 lbs. So now down 8 pounds I'm almost to second goal of 10. As my friend says eat lol the elephant one bite at a time. Best of luck to you