B12 Shot/ 500 Calories A Day/ Protein & Veggy Only Diet! Any



  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    If it's working go for it. Stay under your doctors care, all I know it is not for long term, so call it a jump start. sounds like HCG
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    Nope! If u google the diet you u read that it actually speeds up ur metabolism. And also after the diet, you can continue to eat healthy and take own over the counter vitamins and still keep the weight off. I have a hand ful of friends who after years still the weight is off. :wink:

    You can google a lot of things, doesn't make what is said to be true. Remember, these people are SELLING you this program therefore it's in their best interest to make it sound like you'll lose half your body weight and be super healthy and happy and everything is going to be honkey dorey but it's simply not true. I'm SHOCKED that your dr has recommended this "diet" that you're on. I think you need to check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY9LLMTCjwg - the BBC documentary called Super Skinny Me. Very scary but the scariest part is that the women are eating MORE than what is being "prescribed" to you. Anorexics eat about 500 cals a day. What you are doing is VERY dangerous. Please stop starving yourself.
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    my sister was on a doctor supervised diet like yours, 500 calories, protein and veggies, supplements...She lost 80 pounds in a year along with her hair and seriously compromised her health. The following year, on the doctor supervised maintenance diet, she gained 160 pounds. However her health and hair did not return.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi and Welcome to this site. I hope you find great success. I see by your profile that you have had some very serious health scares. I imagine that the reason a dr would allow such low caloric intake is because of that and a need to lose some weight quick. I would imagine that those calories will be upped soon? Anyhow, I wish you health and good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • YOur diet sounds almost like mine. I also take a ton of vitamins, potassium and glucose to stay healthly. The vitamins b-6 and b-12 are sold at any pharmacy in the regular isle of vitamins. The only difference is that taking it by pills, your body only absorbs 20% of it and by inyections you get 100% of it.
  • Not really sure why everyone is so negative about the HCG diet? I approved it with my doctor and it works great! I was able to do the 500 calories a day and I was always full and had a ton of energy. The first three days were the hardest but it was all in my mind. I worked out 3 days a week and stuck to the plan. I lost over 45lbs. I fully support anyone who really wants to do this diet and stick to it. I find that when reading these hcg threads theres a lot of people who think their doctors but aren't. Like someone said above, you can find anything on google. Good and bad, that's why i went to a doctor. Don't be so negative about something you haven't tried. You can maintain your weight loss if you continue to workout and each healthy, even after you increase your calories. Good luck to anyone who decides to think for themselves, don't let peer pressure avert you from your goal.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Well i use B-12 vitamins and my doctor says they are just as good as the shots. Next time i go for a visit i will ask about the HCG diet. Everything is not for everybody. Take it or leave is how i look at it.
  • I also agree. I'd be asking to see this person's credentials. That sounds like craziness. Sure, you'll lose the weight, but guaranteed that you will gain all of it back and then some as soon as you're done with the "diet". I do have a suggestion for some weight loss though, RUN away from this crazy person who is starving you!!!

    Last year, I went to a bariatrician for weight loss. They put me on an almost identical diet but two meals a day were 100 calorie protein shakes the rest was protein and veggies to total 600 cal/day. When I started it, I weighed around 450 lbs. I got the B-12 shots 3 days a week, the doctor marketed his own oral supplement and they added a diet pill (amphetamine based) after the first month. I did the diet for 2 and a half months and lost 130 pounds. It got to the point where I could tell I wasn't healthy. My nails were cracking. My hair started falling out. I was okay with that, but then it got to a point where the thought of another piece of baked chicken made me want to yack.

    As soon as I stopped it, I gained all the weight back very quickly and it brought back 35 more pounds with it..

    So, I won't lie and say it doesn't work. And doctors use these regimens all the time. They certainly got a lot of my money to make me feel like crap. I say beware of any doctor or healthcare provider that markets their own supplements or fills their own prescriptions in the office. Lesson learned for me... there is no quick fix. I didn't gain this much in three months and it's not gonna all come off in 3 months! Just listen to your body and if it starts to say something is wrong.... listen to it!!
  • I have around 100 pounds to lose. Can you add me as a diet friend?:smile: