New ... but been here before

Janatki Posts: 730 Member
Hi! Starting again, determined to lose weight, get healthy and fit. Getting over a bad back and joint pain. Spent this week getting back into weighing and measuring food and taking exercise in small amounts.
I am mid 50’s and am the biggest I have ever been, so really need to try and succeed this time.
Friends to support would be really welcome 😊


  • Kamarlea
    Kamarlea Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome back. I've been here before too. I've had years of joint and back issues, but as I lose weight and get a little fitter I'm feeling like life is a little easier. You can do this. 😊
  • nerdherdshepherd8973
    nerdherdshepherd8973 Posts: 16 Member
    I returning too. I hear you about back and joint issues. Ugh! We got this!! 💪