Cute stories.

brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
What's the cutest or most romantic thing your partner has ever said/done? I'm up for some cute stories :)

Mine would be a tie between the time my fiance wrote me something on his website just two days after meeting me (you can read it here but it's kind of long) or the gift he made me for our 6 month anniversary, which was a binder full of everything he's ever written for me (we spent the first almost year of our relationship 1200 miles apart and I was in school, so he wrote a lot for me) and he fancied it up a bit and put each page in its own little protector, and then wrote a few new things. It was so sweet, I still take it out and read it from time to time. :)


  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I just like the way he tells the story of how we met more than anything. Smiles like a giddy school boy and will tell anyone who will listen for the last 4+years.
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    My boyfriends has always brought me flowers whether one he finds on street or from the shop. The first flower he gave me was a daisy couple weeks into our relationship. I took the daisy and started pulling petals out doing "he loves me", "he loves me not", my bf immediatly tried to stop me and was like "Stop, I don't believe in those things" because he didn't believe in it like I did, I continued anyway till the last petal and it ended on "he loves me", my bf was relieved and I saved the flower with petal still in it in a book; since than I've pressed as many (almost all) the different flowers my boyfriend brought me, the other day I went through it, and it seemed like there was a flower between every page, it melted my heart, we have been together for 2 1/2 years so there is sooo many flower in the 400 page book, and all full of wonderful memories :)
  • Ireshgurl
    Yahhhh, my husband is severely lacking in the romance department :grumble: . I've tried hinting, then straight up telling him and even giving examples, ie picnic, flowers randomly, little love note here or there, etc. Nuttin. Not happening and probably never will :sad:
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    Yahhhh, my husband is severely lacking in the romance department :grumble: . I've tried hinting, then straight up telling him and even giving examples, ie picnic, flowers randomly, little love note here or there, etc. Nuttin. Not happening and probably never will :sad:
    I feel your pain. :frown: We've been together almost 3 years..and even after all of my far from subtle hints..nothing. I'm lucky to get a "happy birthday" or "happy valentine's day" out of him. Much less something actually romantic in anyway!! :sad:
  • leilani♥
    Yahhhh, my husband is severely lacking in the romance department :grumble: . I've tried hinting, then straight up telling him and even giving examples, ie picnic, flowers randomly, little love note here or there, etc. Nuttin. Not happening and probably never will :sad:

    You and me both!!! I've done a **** load of hinting.. his response "We didn't have the money back then for me to buy you flowers".. I don't get any love notes or cute cards, nothing nada zip!! I get an occasional "I love you" in IMs.. I guess that's his way of being romantic :grumble:
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    I'm in a mushy mood tonight so I'll share.

    I only spent a week and a half with this person because I met him JUST before I moved across the country, but I spent virtually ALL of that week and a half with him. I stayed at his place every night and he always offered me these stupid cartoon charactor pajamas. I wore them every night until my last night there when he made some stupid excuse to not give them to me.

    So I drive across the country, took my time and it took me about a week to get out here. First bag I open, theres the pajamas. Super, super cute. He somehow got them to my roommate and she stuck them in a bag she knew I'd open first.

    Super, super sweet. And missing him and missing home my first night here the timing could not have been better.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Yahhhh, my husband is severely lacking in the romance department :grumble: . I've tried hinting, then straight up telling him and even giving examples, ie picnic, flowers randomly, little love note here or there, etc. Nuttin. Not happening and probably never will :sad:

    Maybe you should try being the romantic one! It might spark something in him :) Not saying it's your fault he's not, just a suggestion. One time I went on a date with my fiance I thought of myself. I always leave it up to him and expect him to be romantic, but I thought I'd take the initiative. We went on a drive down to Groton and took a mile long walk down this beautiful trail, and went down to a little beach and had a picnic. After that we went to the submarine base and went on a tour of that, and then drove to Mystic and went to this little village shops and then watched the sun go down over the water :) best part was it was so cheap! Just the cost of the food for the picnic. Take the initiative, it can't hurt!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    A couple years ago, I was going through my husbands "good things box", when I came across a piece of a cardboard that I had written my name and address on. I asked him about it and he said it was from a box I had sent him when he was deployed. It was a few months after we were married and it was the first time he had seen me write my name as Sabrina L instead of Sabrina M. I couldn't believe he'd kept this for over 14 years (16 now) and I thought it was really sweet.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    On our first wedding anniversary my husband was deployed. He missed all major holidays, my birthday, some very stressful situations among other things. All this is to be expected i suppose being a military wife. So our anniversary came around and needless to say I just missed the crap out of him. We had decided not to celebrate it and wait until he was home and do something really special.So imagine my surprise when I walked into work (family owned restaurant) and there were 5 dozen red roses, champagne and my all time favorite chocolate covered strawberries with a note that told me he wanted me to relax that evening and take a long bath and enjoy an at home spa night on him. He had also called my best friends who lived a couple hours away and had them come up to surprise me and take me out for dinner so i wouldnt be alone. he treated of course. he wasn't able to call me that week but when we talked the next time i could hear the smile over the staticy phone line.

    Another horribly romantic story is when he got back from that deployment and he arrived a day early and surprised me at work. While I was soooo happy to see him I had my outfit planned for the next day and i looked like a mess!! haha i told him to never surprise me like that again...i was covered in pizza sauce (had had a fun stress relieving morning with my prep cook having a food fight) and hair a mess no make up. Anyone who has gone through a deployment or prolonged separation knows how long it takes to get ready to see them again haha.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Yahhhh, my husband is severely lacking in the romance department :grumble: . I've tried hinting, then straight up telling him and even giving examples, ie picnic, flowers randomly, little love note here or there, etc. Nuttin. Not happening and probably never will :sad:

    Oh man, I feel bad b/c I'm kind of in your husbands boat. The guy I'm quasi-seeing probably feels just like you do.
  • Ireshgurl
    Yahhhh, my husband is severely lacking in the romance department :grumble: . I've tried hinting, then straight up telling him and even giving examples, ie picnic, flowers randomly, little love note here or there, etc. Nuttin. Not happening and probably never will :sad:

    Maybe you should try being the romantic one! It might spark something in him :) Not saying it's your fault he's not, just a suggestion. One time I went on a date with my fiance I thought of myself. I always leave it up to him and expect him to be romantic, but I thought I'd take the initiative. We went on a drive down to Groton and took a mile long walk down this beautiful trail, and went down to a little beach and had a picnic. After that we went to the submarine base and went on a tour of that, and then drove to Mystic and went to this little village shops and then watched the sun go down over the water :) best part was it was so cheap! Just the cost of the food for the picnic. Take the initiative, it can't hurt!

    When we first started dating, I did. I put flowers on his car just because. While he was underway (military) I wrote journals for him. I did other things spur of the moment, but he just never got it and still doesn't, no matter how many times I may "hint" to him.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I had a fight with my boy over this tonight haha. But before we started dating. Before I even knew if I actually liked him and wanted to date him, he went to Denmark for a week for work. We've only been out twice before and he brought me back a lego rose from Legoland ^_^

    Sadly, it's been down hill in the romantic gesture department since then.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    wait.... guys are supposed to do romantic/cute things??
  • boomboom011
    Yahhhh, my husband is severely lacking in the romance department :grumble: . I've tried hinting, then straight up telling him and even giving examples, ie picnic, flowers randomly, little love note here or there, etc. Nuttin. Not happening and probably never will :sad:

    You and me both!!! I've done a **** load of hinting.. his response "We didn't have the money back then for me to buy you flowers".. I don't get any love notes or cute cards, nothing nada zip!! I get an occasional "I love you" in IMs.. I guess that's his way of being romantic :grumble:

    my husband is a wonderful man but in the romance department he is lacking to say the least. One time he bought me a cart with wheels on it so i could carry things into my office (i work downtown and i have to walk a few blocks from my parking garage). Thats about as romantic as it gets. One time he bought a Coach purse that my cousin had just bought and she didnt want but i was right there. He gave her the $. LOL God love him. He is so awesome in so many other ways. So i will let him slide in this area. Plus i dont need mushy romantic stuff. Just pick up a broom or do some dishes. That is some sexy bidness right there!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Sometimes I wonder if men think that pulling off something romantic is much bigger project than it really is. Women make such a big deal about it, so men think it is such a big thing - like overwhelming to their little brains type big. It seems, though, that women often think that little gestures that acknowledge them, or appreciate them, or show that we are thinking about them are romantic. But if we got that, then we wouldn't understand how the little things could be that important to you. I think it's a prime example of one of those disconnects between the way men and women think, rather than it simply being about men not giving a hoot.
    Still, for those of you who are frustrated, I wish your SOs would at least try. :flowerforyou:
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    It really is the little things. My husband is not always terribly romantic being the practical man that he is but he does on occasion surprise me with the little things.

    Like the day we were married I got a letter in the mail from him - addressed to my new married name - that he had written when he decided he wanted to marry me several months beforehand.

    My most recent one - I eat a lot of hard boiled eggs. So I packed my lunch (including a hard boiled egg) and then went to go brush my teeth. When I went to eat my egg at work 7 or 8 hours later - it said "RAWR!" - for those of you who are not into viral internet images - there's an image floating around (you can google it) of this cute little green dinosaur that say "RAWR! It means I love you in dinosaur!"
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    wait.... guys are supposed to do romantic/cute things??


    Actually, I took a late jog yesterday and wanted to do the 30DS, but it was already 5:30. I was contemplating how I could juggle that and cooking, when the bf said ''I'll make dinner tonight.'' *swoon* That's romance, baby. :love:
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    here here Meggers! I dont need grand gestures.... honestly, those kind of weird me out. Pick me a single flower, write me a note, do the dishes... those things are so sexy!
  • leilani♥
    wait.... guys are supposed to do romantic/cute things??


    Actually, I took a late jog yesterday and wanted to do the 30DS, but it was already 5:30. I was contemplating how I could juggle that and cooking, when the bf said ''I'll make dinner tonight.'' *swoon* That's romance, baby. :love:

    I think your man needs to teach mine a few lessons... hes so spoiled I do EVERYTHING lol..
  • Josedavid
    Josedavid Posts: 695 Member
    Your stories are all great... including those that don't have a really romantic partner...

    My wife is not really into romantic things but yes me. I did many things but I will not tell you I did this, I did that, it's her to tell that. By the way I remember one time I left to the office so I wrote in the toilette mirror "I love you, thank you for existing" and a big heart with a lipstick.

    Then she called me and explained me, fully detailed, what is the difference of doing a very nice thing, which she thank you, and doing a very nice thing with her most expensive and favourite lipstick!

    It seems that I ruined her lipstick... hahaha!