Not new but might as well be.

I haven't been on MFP in over a year. My first go with it though was a smashing success. I ended up losing about 60 pounds. But, I have gain 30 of that 60 back. I'm depressed and just ready to get my life back. I am currently at 288 and looking for some encouragement.


  • Feel free to add me pet, the more support the better :)
  • welcome back!! congrats on the decision to reclaim your life. i have been on here only for about a month and a half and i feel so much better already! I'm sure this go around will be just as much as a "smashing success" as the first one!
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome back I have been here for over a year but recenly came back last month. We can do it again. I am sending you a friend request..
  • You must be one strong lady !!!...I just started, made it through my second day ! I too am hoping for alot of encouragement. I would be glad to be added to your friends and offer my support & encouragement.
  • You can do it! I have faith in you. We can encourage each other. I have been on here going on a week and I enjoy it so far. But I think I eat to much. Good luck. You can add me if you like!!!
  • Welcome back! Congrats on your previous weight loss. I know you will get there again!