
I have been on my fitness pal off and on for several years. I actually went from 230 to 180. I'm not blaming covid, but my lifestyle changed and I'm back to 220.

I don't have a lot of people in my life that is willing to support, encourage, and motivate me. So I am excited that last night I cut my meal in half. I put the rest away. I cut back on snacks and after dinner I thought man I could eat something sweet. I stopped and asked myself why do I need a snack? Are you really hungry? Obviously I wasn't hungry so I picked up my water bottle and drank it. My family doesn't understand the struggle to stop. That's why I wanted to join a group that can keep me going and understand where I'm at.

For whoever reads this thanks for your time.


  • IndyFitAgain
    IndyFitAgain Posts: 67 Member
    At the risk of being repetitious, I just posted this but it applies here too, I think...

    Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt... each time, I lose about 30 lbs (still far from my goal weight), maintain that for a month or two, then put it all back on. This time, I'm having problems going in the down direction; I can't get a grip on my appetite and want snacks at night.

    Hang in there, stay consistent and be persistent... good things will come your way!
  • Kupla71
    Kupla71 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Good going for cutting your meal in half and cutting back on snacks. It’s harder than it sounds. I too have been on mfp off and on for a few years. I’ve gone from about 160lbs to 175lbs while on here. I want to get to 140lbs.

    About 5 years ago I was 135lbs but I was not well. I want to be able to take this weight back off while being healthy.

    When I do snack I try to choose something healthy. I’ve really been struggling to lose weight. I think the key is choosing no snack! Lol! Drinking water helps as does drinking tea.

    Good luck with your weight loss! 😊
  • Chris_J99
    Chris_J99 Posts: 175 Member
    I am a fan of ice cream and I have found these ice lollies called mini milk. I am based in Wales so you may not be able to find them. They are 30 calories and when I have had one then that means a portion to me. I don’t let myself worry what hubby is eating but just focus on my ice cream!
    Having an open packet of biscuits/cookies means I have the opportunity to scoff the lot but having a portion pack means that my brain and tummy are satisfied.
    Water and fruit would be better of course 😂
    Hang in there!!
  • marilyn32634
    marilyn32634 Posts: 8 Member
    It sounds like you would benefit from some form of "intermittent fasting." That's how I broke my wicked snacking habit. I give myself about 13-15 hrs of no eating. If I want to have a little something before my fasting starts, I'll have either a piece of fruit + water, sugar-free hot chocolate, or a cup of tea with cinnamon. Hope this helps!😊
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I like snacks. I try to make healthy choices. I have found apple slices(with cinnamon!) plus a protein (love kay's naturals) fills me up for most of the afternoon. Greek yogurt with a little walnut and fruit is also good. A protein shake for dessert helps me feel full before bed.