I'm looking for a tribe - motivation to lose 100 pounds



  • SYS15
    SYS15 Posts: 17 Member
    edited February 2021
    Add me!! The highest I've been was 352 - I'm at 265 right now. I started working out about 2-3 weeks ago, I haven't seen any weight loss but definitely some inches. I have a size goal rather than a weight goal because of how I hold my weight. I'm in a size 16 at the moment and in some things, an 18 - I'm aiming for a size 10, whether that's in 70 lbs or 100lbs. :smile: I do 3 days at the gym, rest day, and repeat - 45 mins of cardio and 30-45 mins of strength training depending on the muscle group I'm working on.
  • Wow you've almost lost 100lbs already! You got this! I've been sedentary most of covid and took a 10 minute walk...nearly killed me! Ha ha. Actually just the hill at the end but...yikes. got to start somewhere! What do your workouts look like now?
  • aquitteriamnot
    aquitteriamnot Posts: 78 Member
    I’ve been overweight most of my adult life, but have lost over 100 lbs twice in the past. Over the years, I began to understand why I regained. (1) I did it mainly for the wrong reasons, (2) I didn’t embrace my lower weight, I still acted and felt like I was heavier, (3) I didn’t understand that I lived the life of an overweight person and “everything” had to change in order to keep the weight off.

    The more you make good choices, the more clearly you will see the bad choices and be able to avoid making them.
  • dew11252
    dew11252 Posts: 88 Member
    down 2.2 this week
    lost 19 of my 21 covid pounds from last year
    new month, new start
    gonna conquer today
  • WaterLily82
    WaterLily82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hey all!! I can relate! I am nearing 40 and have over 100 lbs to lose. It can seem so overwhelming! I’d love all the inspiration and moral support I can get ❤️
  • alisampm
    alisampm Posts: 182 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I have been tracking for just over a year. I am down 74 pounds, with about 59 more to go to my ultimate goal. I love having MFP friends for support and encouragement!
  • Bunski
    Bunski Posts: 28 Member
    Added! I'm 99lbs down from my start weight of 317, and have about 60 more to get to my goal! We can do this!
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member
    Sending you a friend request
  • WaterLily82
    WaterLily82 Posts: 165 Member
    edited March 2021
  • philotinagirl
    philotinagirl Posts: 1 Member
    Would love to be in your tribe. I'm 53 and 225 lbs. I had been battling cancer before covid.... I literally stopped treatment in January and by March covid hit. I have been really needing to get my inflammation down since I'm always achy in my joints since treatment. I went through menopause during my cancer treatment. Just a lot to balance right now but I am just wanting to push myself to have better health in general, even if that means doing it one step at a time. You would think it's a no brainer to want to be around for your future grandkids, but it wasn't until I got cancer did I realize that is such a step away from not happening. I know I need to do better for myself. My cancer certainly the only thing holding me back but going to therapy as well..LOL :)
  • FidelmaMarina
    FidelmaMarina Posts: 18 Member
    This is my second day on this app and would really like to join your tribe if possible. I have over 100lbs to loose and at the moment it looks like its miles away. I know 1lb at a time but could really do with a bit of encouragement and willing to offer some in return. I am 51 years old and currently 327 lbs - my first aim is to be under 300 and then keep setting small targets.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Would love to join! I have a lot of weight to lose too. Feel free to add me ♥️☺️
  • LizzyinWA
    LizzyinWA Posts: 52 Member
    Would love to be in this tribe!! Starting back into Fitness Pal after a Long time out. I'm 59 (and holding, lol) and at 260 lbs with 110 to lose. 5'3, short & thick. I have lots of big changes happening in the next few months and would love to have a steady reliable 'something' to help me along this very challenging path. I'm a slow loser, but semi-fast gainer if I don't pay attention. I'm a social eater & love great food - but also like healthy eating. I've been off sugar (pretty much) for a couple of years, with little treats on special occasions. I don't miss it. My downfall is bread & anything potato. I've got my sleep back to normal - realized I needed to go to bed at same time each day no matter what & to steer clear of sugar, rice & pasta which severely affects my sleep if I indulge at dinner. My original goal was 10 lbs down per month, but I can never hit it - rolling that back to a reachable 5 lbs per month which I can do! Slow & easy wins this race for me. Longtime resident of PNW, but soon my backyard will change as we begin travel full-time. So excited for this next chapter! I need to make me priority in this family, healthwise. Haven't done that for a long, long time. Looking forward to interactions with ya'll!
  • kwinters210
    kwinters210 Posts: 1 Member
    Please feel free to add me!
  • FreyjaPact
    FreyjaPact Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I'd love to be accountability partners, if you're interested. We have a similar goal. :smile: