Fun group for support

Hello everyone.
I'm Ror,
am not exactly new here but this is my first post.
So, I'm sure lots of you will relate to my problem some way or another.

I was going through depression and some health issues that made me gain a lot of weight. No matter what I did and do i couldn't lose it.
I even gain more weight during my diet and exercise!
Part of the problem, i guess, is that i don't really have support. I looked everywhere for like an online groups or something that would give me motivation and support during my (getting myself and health back) journey... But couldn't find any.

So I'm suggesting to set up a telegram group, to share our achievements, stories, falling out, challenges and more... It's easier to access and more personal experience... I mean we're all trying to achieve the same goal, why not do it together?
Do you think this is a good idea? Has anyone tried it before? & if so, does it help?


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    motivation comes from within. nothing anyone else says or does, will make you want to do it, if you dont already want to.

    If you dont have a therapist, I highly suggest finding one. My therapist has been more instrumental in helping me manage my anxiety and depression, and desire to take care of myself, than anyone else. Managing the anxiety and depression LED to me wanting to take better care of myself. It wasn't her saying ' you need to do this'. She doesn't ever ask me about my diet or weight loss, unless i bring it up. and generally... i dont. I have plenty of other issues to discuss with her in my hour LMAO

    Its easy enough to find and add friends on MFP. There are entire threads of people looking for friends. You can also post here in the forums if you find yourself struggling with a specific issue (logging foods, exercise, ways to KEEP your motivation, etc). I am very active on my feed, and accept friends, but I generally talk about my day, my animals, farm, husband... boring life *kitten*. If a meal is particularly yummy or photogenic, i post a picture of it LOL that's about as close as i come to discussing weight loss, at least in so far as my own posts go LOL

  • Ror929
    Ror929 Posts: 2 Member

    I understand your point and i think you're right but I still think family and friends support is important.
    But yeah maybe I'll try and add ppl on MFP..
    Anyway thanks. 😊