Bariatric Patients?

turtlebutt825 Posts: 6
I was just wondering if any other bariatric patients were using this site? I had the gastric sleeve done on the 26th of August. I have done good so far, I have actually lost 22lbs!! But there is no way I am able to take in the amount of calories MFP recommends for me. Just wondering if any other WLS patients use this site as well?


  • Bump....
    I'm the only one?
  • Nope - there's a whole bunch of us here. WLS patients can get flamed pretty heavily for taking 'the easy way out' so many people are gun shy about outing themselves. I had the sleeve done 4/15/11, I'm down 68lbs since surgery, 93lbs total and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
  • I am 5 yrs out from RnY~ you can see my blog for more details or you can ask me questions privately regarding my post-op course~

    Feel free to add me if you like~
  • Thanks guys!! I'm just over 2 weeks out, and this def was not the easy way lol. Anyways thanks for letting me know!! Do you get close to what MFP recommends for calories? I'm only taking in about 600 a day right now :/
  • NOT follow MFP guidelines!! Didn't your doctor and nutritionist establish a full nutritional plan for you? You should have full guidance and supervision from your surgeon on your nutritional goals. I have only met ONE sleeve patient in the past and don't know how it differs from the other bariatric surgeries, but as a lapband patient, I am not supposed to met fewer than about 1000 calories and that is only if I am meeting my protein guidelines and taking the prescribed vitamins.

    Seek help from your medical team!! Congratulations on your loss! Glad you are doing so well.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    I have the gastric lap band and have lost 39kg so far. It takes as much work as non-WLS dieting so it is definitely not the easy way out! However, it has helped me to learn about my hunger signals, satisfaction signals and I believe it will help me to maintain my weight loss in a way that no other system/diet etc has in the past.
  • I am 3 years post RNY. Happy to share my experiences with anyone that wants to know.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I havent had weight loss surgery but I can tell you that you can change your calories and other nutrient goals to help fit your personal situation. Go to My Home, Goals, scroll down and select Change Goals. This hopefully will help you customize your journal. Good Luck!
  • missham75
    missham75 Posts: 2 Member
    I had RnY on 3/29 and use MFP but I cuztomized the calorie (as well as protein, carbs and fat) goals to fit my needs.
    I get 900 calories now, at almost 6 months out and I dont always hit that.

    Follow the guidelines your doc gave you and you can customize the site to meet your needs!
  • Thanks guys!! I'm just over 2 weeks out, and this def was not the easy way lol. Anyways thanks for letting me know!! Do you get close to what MFP recommends for calories? I'm only taking in about 600 a day right now :/

    You're doing really well if you can get 600 cal/day at just 2 weeks out! I think I only managed 350 or so until I was cleared for solids after 1 month. I'm right at 5 months out and get anywhere from 900 on a rest day to 1200 calories on a day I do high impact exercise. I lose around 2lbs a month so it obviously works for me. I also don't low-carb, but I'm not going nuts with them, either.

    Certainly don't follow the MFP default settings as they don't apply to your situation. You need lower calories, high protein and lower carbs than it will recommend. Remember, you have a very short 'honeymoon' period the 6 months following surgery when the weight falls off almost effortlessly so you need to take advantage of every. single. day. Time flies and you'll soon find the head hunger & cravings return and, in due to having more capacity in your healed stomach, you may begin to eat more and the weight loss can crawl to a stop. Get off as much now as you can!
  • Almost 3 years out from Lapband Surgey. Gained 50lbs in the last years so it is still difficult.
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