Beach Body-ers



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Great job! Did the P90X/Insanity Hybrid during summer. Currently on my 7th day of Insanity (without P90X in it). Good luck! :)

    How did you do with the hybrid??? Good luck with your next round of Insanity. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member
    Well it's Rest Day for me today! Then Phase 2 Round 2 of my P90X / Insanity Hybrid starts tomorrow! Man I missed my Phase 2 workouts =)

    Goals for the week:
    1. Up the intensity of each workout
    2. No more eating after 7pm
    3. Only "good" carbs allowed (up to 100g)
    4. One salad per day a MUST
    5. One Shakeology a day a MUST
    6. Make at least one person smile per day =)

    What are all of your schedules next week? What are your goals for the week!


    You have great goals for the week. That is a great way to break it down.

    I am on week 2 of Asylum, so my goals are:

    1. 1 Shakeology a day (yummy)
    2. Bring the intensity up a notch
    3. Lose another pound
    4. Feel more confident in myself

    Let's have a great week. :bigsmile:

    You are a mad woman! I have done some amazing programs! And now asylum ??? LOL LOVE IT!

    These are great goals!

  • mdp815
    mdp815 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, sounds like a lot of you on this thread would be pretty knowledgable on p90 programs. My wife and I are just getting into it and are starting into our 3rd week of the original p90. We plan on continuing with p90 masters and eventually p90x and so on. Our goals are to lose wait and get fit. Would you recommend the lean or classic routines? seems like there are numerous debates on either as far as wait loss goes. My wife has about 30lbs she's working on shedding from pregnancy, I have about 13 more to go.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    See sig =)
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    When I filled out my sheet today I got a little sad knowing I would not do this workout until week 7... I am looking forward to the recovery week... not because I need the break, but because I want to beat YOGA-X... it has kicked my butt everytime so far so I am looking forward to beating it!!
  • AngieMcHenry
    AngieMcHenry Posts: 36 Member
    I am doing Chalean Extreme. I love it and the results so far. I am on Push Week 3. I started P90x at the beginning of the summer, but found the workouts too long and intense for me. I really love Chalene, though. I run for my cardio.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I have just started Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme this week.... I have been doing Turbo Fire for a couple months now, but decided to throw in more weights, so thought Chalean Extreme would be perfect! :)
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    Currently: I'm doing a "whatever I want" mix of TurboFire with an occasional CLX workout thrown in . In a few days, I'm starting up INSANITY: THE ASYLUM.

    Past: Turbo Jam (lost my first 40lbs and was hooked!) CLX, P90X, Insanity, Yoga Booty Ballet, TurboFire, Hip Hop Abs, Rockin' Body....I've tried them all :)
  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member
    Hi, sounds like a lot of you on this thread would be pretty knowledgable on p90 programs. My wife and I are just getting into it and are starting into our 3rd week of the original p90. We plan on continuing with p90 masters and eventually p90x and so on. Our goals are to lose wait and get fit. Would you recommend the lean or classic routines? seems like there are numerous debates on either as far as wait loss goes. My wife has about 30lbs she's working on shedding from pregnancy, I have about 13 more to go.

    I personally like the Classic routines. To me, it is the perfect combination of resistance and cardio =)

    That would be my suggestion. Maybe to through in some extra cardio, taking the baby for a walk around the block or whatnot =)

    Hope this helps =)

  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member
    Currently: I'm doing a "whatever I want" mix of TurboFire with an occasional CLX workout thrown in . In a few days, I'm starting up INSANITY: THE ASYLUM.

    Past: Turbo Jam (lost my first 40lbs and was hooked!) CLX, P90X, Insanity, Yoga Booty Ballet, TurboFire, Hip Hop Abs, Rockin' Body....I've tried them all :)

    Damn girl look at you! Talk about a PRO! =)

    Keep up the great work and Keep Pushing Play =)

  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member
    I have just started Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme this week.... I have been doing Turbo Fire for a couple months now, but decided to throw in more weights, so thought Chalean Extreme would be perfect! :)

    I have been dying to try CLX! Thinking I might just have to do that instead of my P90X/Insanity/OoO hybrid before P90X2 comes out! =) I have heard awesome things about CLX!

    Keep Pushing Play!
  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member
    I am doing Chalean Extreme. I love it and the results so far. I am on Push Week 3. I started P90x at the beginning of the summer, but found the workouts too long and intense for me. I really love Chalene, though. I run for my cardio.

    I have heard great things about CLX and was even considering doing a hybrid with it before P90X2 comes out!

    Keep up the great work and KPP
  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member
    When I filled out my sheet today I got a little sad knowing I would not do this workout until week 7... I am looking forward to the recovery week... not because I need the break, but because I want to beat YOGA-X... it has kicked my butt everytime so far so I am looking forward to beating it!!

    You can do it!!!! I still don't always finished YogaX and usually sub CardioX in it's place LOL But hey, I can crane for like 5 sec . =)
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm so jealous of you guys.

    I am a Slim in 6, 10 Minute Trainer, CLX, Insanity, and 2 time P90X grad. I was doing a program called Convict Conditioning, as well as Couch 2 5k. Convict Conditioning is all body weight exercises, which would have helped me to be able to actually do pull-ups. Since on either of my rounds of P90X I was never able to do an unassisted pull-up. My goal was to be able to do a full round of P90X, and then move on to P90X2. But I'm having some nerve trouble in my left arm so all exercising has been put on hold.

    FUDGE!!!!!! I'm so frustrated. Doc tells me I need to keep losing weight, but then says no exercise for at least two weeks until we find out what is going on with me. Ahhhhhh!
  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member
    I'm so jealous of you guys.

    I am a Slim in 6, 10 Minute Trainer, CLX, Insanity, and 2 time P90X grad. I was doing a program called Convict Conditioning, as well as Couch 2 5k. Convict Conditioning is all body weight exercises, which would have helped me to be able to actually do pull-ups. Since on either of my rounds of P90X I was never able to do an unassisted pull-up. My goal was to be able to do a full round of P90X, and then move on to P90X2. But I'm having some nerve trouble in my left arm so all exercising has been put on hold.

    FUDGE!!!!!! I'm so frustrated. Doc tells me I need to keep losing weight, but then says no exercise for at least two weeks until we find out what is going on with me. Ahhhhhh!

    What about doing the cardio workouts and modifying? Would that help to at least keep you in the game? Just no pushups, pull up, etc?
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I am a P90X, Insanity and Asylum grad. Currently I am doing a P90X cardio at the gym hybrid!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm so jealous of you guys.

    I am a Slim in 6, 10 Minute Trainer, CLX, Insanity, and 2 time P90X grad. I was doing a program called Convict Conditioning, as well as Couch 2 5k. Convict Conditioning is all body weight exercises, which would have helped me to be able to actually do pull-ups. Since on either of my rounds of P90X I was never able to do an unassisted pull-up. My goal was to be able to do a full round of P90X, and then move on to P90X2. But I'm having some nerve trouble in my left arm so all exercising has been put on hold.

    FUDGE!!!!!! I'm so frustrated. Doc tells me I need to keep losing weight, but then says no exercise for at least two weeks until we find out what is going on with me. Ahhhhhh!

    What about doing the cardio workouts and modifying? Would that help to at least keep you in the game? Just no pushups, pull up, etc?

    He thinks I may have pinched a nerve in my neck, but my blood pressure was extremely high when this all went down last week. So I think he wants to make that is under control and then see the results of my blood work and the EMG test I have next week before saying ok. Something just doesn't feel right in my arm, so I kinda want to see what is going on.

    This is all just teaching me a lesson, that I shouldn't take being able to work out for granted anymore.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I've done one round of Brazil Butt Lift (which I did not do justice), one and a half rounds of Turbo Jam, and I literally started Hip Hop Abs yesterday. I had intended to do two rounds of TJ, but I finally got Hip Hop Abs from my library (I was on the waiting list since May) and I couldn't resist starting it right away. I intend to do TJ Fat Burning Elite after HHA and to buy Turbo Fire to start in January.
  • jbudge1
    jbudge1 Posts: 62 Member
    I start week 4 of Insanity today. Has been fun. After I am finished with Insanity I am going to go through P90x. Turbofire is next up for the wife.
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    p90x, p90x/Insanity hybrid, Insanity and now p90x/running hybrid to get ready for my marathon in December. I LOVE the Beachbody workouts. On my to do list, Turbofire, ChaLEAN and of course p90x2....:happy: