Day One...

...of my weight loss journey. Wife suggested this site to me as a way to keep motivated and to get support. I have about 80 pounds to lose to get to ideal weight, so today begins my journey! I'm a 52 year old male (how many men use this site?) at a desk job, so I already have an up hill battle. I do get to walk a lot at work (potential 1-2 miles during the work day) but will also exercise at home to get in shape. Gym membership is out of the question as I get up for work at 3:20AM everyday and don't get home until 6:00-6:30 PM (exhausted by then...). One day at a time, one step at a time. Exercise? Starting by walking 1-2 miles. Working my way up to start the C25K running program. Food? Cut out fast food completely, bring healthier snacks (fruit, veggies) to work, watch my portions.


  • dannaten
    dannaten Posts: 8 Member
    C25k changed my life. I could NEVER all I want to do is run. It's addictive. You'll love it.
    You can do this!
  • PeeTeePee
    PeeTeePee Posts: 235 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You'll enjoy the support and encouragement you get here.
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I downloaded the C25K about 2 months ago and haven't started it yet. I am planning on starting it this week. Good Luck! You will love this site!!!
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Good luck - I think this site is great and it is good to know that none of us have to do this alone. My only problem will be spending too much time on here and not working! Hey ho!
  • evanblove
    evanblove Posts: 82 Member
    I found this program searching for something for my daughter. She has a metabolic disorder and has to track everything she eats.

    I am more successful losing weight when I track what I eat so this site will be a great tool for me. I lost about 20 lbs on weight watchers (plus some) but gained it back when I quit tracking. I have to admit that I love food. I started this program a week ago. I am a 43 y/o male who needs to lose about 15-20 pounds as a short term goal and another 10-15 to reach my longer term goal. Knowing I have a limit on how much I can eat each day--and seeing my remaing calories tick down as I log my food--keeps me on track. It worked well over this past weekend (my first with myfitnesspal).

    I also am stuck to a desk, but I can use my lunch break to exercise. I bring food to work so I don't find myself grabbing candy bars from the snack bar. Since I bring food to work, I go ahead and log it all at the beginning of the day.

    Good luck on your journey.