
lilyleah82 Posts: 14 Member
edited March 2021 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,
I'm just looking for some advice please. I have dieted off and on since I've been 16 I'm now in my late 30s and have had two children close together my smallest child is 8months old. In the last 4weeks I've started back a healthy lifestyle I'm eating 1800 calories after years of meal replacement diets and 1200 calories a day etc. I've been doin tabata workouts and hiit 5times a week.
Ok so this is my problem first week I lost 10pounds (water I expect) second week gained 5pound, following week gained 3pounds this week 1pound. I honestly feel better not 'fatter' but why am I not losing I'd be happy with 2 a week. Do I stick with it allow my body to adjust.
My macros are set at 40 30 30.
Any help appreciated I'm dreading summer 😬 I'm even tempted to do meal replacement shakes again. HELP!


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,737 Member
    I would just keep going for another few weeks to see what happens. And perhaps dial down the exercise a bit until you get used to it.
    You're working out 5 times a week which, I presume, is a new thing for you. My money is on water retention for muscle repair that is masking fat loss on the scale.
  • lilyleah82
    lilyleah82 Posts: 14 Member
    I've always exercised until my second child so yeah spose it's been 18months since I last exercised. But I'm not doin loads 20-30mins hiit or tabata. But makes sense.
    Thank you for your reply and advice hope it is water if not my body is made up of mostly kenetic sand! πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ˜
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,737 Member
    Something you can do in the meantime as well is check if your logging is accurate: are you weighing everything and making sure you're choosing accurate database entries?
    And perhaps also take measurements, only using the scale to judge progress isn't always very accurate.

    In any case, patience is important in weight loss, since our body weight fluctuates, especially for premenopausal women. Some women find they always gain (water) weight around their period and/or ovulation, for example. So it's good to look at the long term trend (1 to 2 months).
  • lilyleah82
    lilyleah82 Posts: 14 Member
    sijomial wrote: Β»
    Your exercise choice is very aggressive for someone returning to exercise.
    Really think you should dial the intensity down to build up steadily which may well reduce the water weight fluctuations. You don't restart exercise intensity where you used to be or wish you were at - you need to start where you are now. After an 18 month break be a bit kinder on your body!

    You need to look far further ahead than week to week, it's the weight trend you want to discover and that comes with more data points over a longer time period. Patience is required or you will be back on the yo-yo cycle of fast loss and then regain when you get discouraged.

    I simply choose that particular exercise as with two small children time is very limited and I feel like I've 'done' something. But yes you are right maybe not the correct choice.
    I am trying to look furthur ahead that's why I want this as a lifestyle not a diet. But you are right temptation to yo-yo is there.
    Patience is obviously key I will keep at it thanks for your help and reply πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ˜Š
  • lilyleah82
    lilyleah82 Posts: 14 Member
    Lietchi wrote: Β»
    Something you can do in the meantime as well is check if your logging is accurate: are you weighing everything and making sure you're choosing accurate database entries?
    And perhaps also take measurements, only using the scale to judge progress isn't always very accurate.

    In any case, patience is important in weight loss, since our body weight fluctuates, especially for premenopausal women. Some women find they always gain (water) weight around their period and/or ovulation, for example. So it's good to look at the long term trend (1 to 2 months).

    Yes I weigh everything scan etc and hit my macros most days I don't pick at the kids food (I want to believe me) so theirs no hidden foods I don't log if u get me. I did measure when I started but haven't measured since so I will be doin that today.
    The body is a complex thing I just expected to loose not gain, however I spose I'm used to results of 'quick fix' starvation however I suppose this has effected my body, 1800 is a luxury to me so didn't know if i was eating to much etc. I will stick at this and hopefully re-program myself. Thanks again for your help 😊
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    How did you get your 1800 calorie goal?

    How tall are you and what's your current and goal weight?
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    How did you get your 1800 calorie goal?

    How tall are you and what's your current and goal weight?

  • lilyleah82
    lilyleah82 Posts: 14 Member
    I am5 9 I'm currently 15.2 I have thick thighs and hips small waist even at 11 stone but my stomach is now big flabby from children would like to be 13stone πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,860 Member
    Likely water weight fluctuation, either due to a new workout, due to cycle or other hormonal fluctuations, more salt, weather, literally every reason you can think of, including being a woman. Give it some 4-6 weeks at least and then re-evaluate.
  • lilyleah82
    lilyleah82 Posts: 14 Member
    I got my goal from myself lol because I googled what it should be on my height weight age etc but came back with 2200 which freaked me out completely so went for 1800
  • lilyleah82
    lilyleah82 Posts: 14 Member
    yirara wrote: Β»
    Likely water weight fluctuation, either due to a new workout, due to cycle or other hormonal fluctuations, more salt, weather, literally every reason you can think of, including being a woman. Give it some 4-6 weeks at least and then re-evaluate.

    Thank you πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΎgonna keep at it ✌🏾🀞🏾
  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    Please don't be too hard on yourself after having 2 small children, especially with you thinking your stomach being "flabby." I also want to be honest with you in that your stomach may never go back to the way it was before kids, especially if you had c-sections. That's something I still have to tell myself--almost 10 years after having my 1st (and I'm in decent shape with some ab definition). That's OK, though--we grew humans inside of us!

    It sounds like I am built similarly to you at 5'8 with curves but a smaller waist. I also started my diet at age 14, and dieted on and off until I lost the weight after my 2nd child nearly 9 years ago now. I got serious when she was 9 months old, but I also did it with the intention of doing it slowly. Even though I tracked and measure foods, I also didn't want it to consume my thoughts as I tend to get obsessive about it. I also find when I give myself a deadline or that I want to lose a certain amount of weight by X date, it causes me way more stress and anxiety. As others have mentioned, our weight fluctuates a lot, especially if you're a woman. I've found that mine fluctuates even more as I've gotten older. Sleep (or lack thereof) can impact that as well, and I'm guessing as a mom of 2 small children you may not be getting enough.

    Are you breastfeeding still? If so, I'd tack on another 300 calories to your goal.

    It's difficult to exercise with 2 small kids, and I don't feel I was able to get really serious until they were a bit older (although I still did it). For me, too, I found it better if I could tell my husband to take care of them while I had my exercise time. My exercise is part of my mental break, too, and if I was half-distracted I didn't feel it was as beneficial for me. The other thing, too, is to keep in mind that just being more active is helpful--running around/after your kids, talking walks, etc.

    I think you'll get there if you're patient with yourself and don't expect perfection.
  • lilyleah82
    lilyleah82 Posts: 14 Member
    Please don't be too hard on yourself after having 2 small children, especially with you thinking your stomach being "flabby." I also want to be honest with you in that your stomach may never go back to the way it was before kids, especially if you had c-sections. That's something I still have to tell myself--almost 10 years after having my 1st (and I'm in decent shape with some ab definition). That's OK, though--we grew humans inside of us!

    It sounds like I am built similarly to you at 5'8 with curves but a smaller waist. I also started my diet at age 14, and dieted on and off until I lost the weight after my 2nd child nearly 9 years ago now. I got serious when she was 9 months old, but I also did it with the intention of doing it slowly. Even though I tracked and measure foods, I also didn't want it to consume my thoughts as I tend to get obsessive about it. I also find when I give myself a deadline or that I want to lose a certain amount of weight by X date, it causes me way more stress and anxiety. As others have mentioned, our weight fluctuates a lot, especially if you're a woman. I've found that mine fluctuates even more as I've gotten older. Sleep (or lack thereof) can impact that as well, and I'm guessing as a mom of 2 small children you may not be getting enough.

    Are you breastfeeding still? If so, I'd tack on another 300 calories to your goal.

    It's difficult to exercise with 2 small kids, and I don't feel I was able to get really serious until they were a bit older (although I still did it). For me, too, I found it better if I could tell my husband to take care of them while I had my exercise time. My exercise is part of my mental break, too, and if I was half-distracted I didn't feel it was as beneficial for me. The other thing, too, is to keep in mind that just being more active is helpful--running around/after your kids, talking walks, etc.

    I think you'll get there if you're patient with yourself and don't expect perfection.

    Thank you for your kind words we do sound simular not just shape but mind. I find I get very obsessed and anxious I think because at my heaviest I was over 17 stone and my lightest just under 8stone so my body was no ways perfect before kids but it all went back nicely because I was young still and after my first I sprung back but fell very quick with my second and stretched so much more I know it will never go back how I'd like but would just like to fit back in my size 12s instead of being catapulted into a 14 which should be a 16 so I resort to leggings and baggy😩.
    Both my kids sleep really well I however really struggle to switch off so have very broken sleep which I know doesn't help.
    I however will continue as I know I can do it but not be tempted by quick fixes anymore as I fear its played havoc with my metabolism. Slow and steady. Thanks for your advice and reply πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸΎ
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Try setting goals that are based on health, fitness, well-being. If you can focus on that - it can be less frustrating. Why? Because weight loss as a result is much less stressful than weight loss as your one and only focus.

    When you are feeling impatient over less than glorious short term results, try to remember that calories in, calories out is based on science and will pay off in the long run. The goal is to be healthier and better off for the rest of your life. There is no finish line right around the corner. Making progress is the goal.
  • lilyleah82
    lilyleah82 Posts: 14 Member
    πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ˜ Thank you 🧑