What food has surprised you since using MFP?



  • lokki13
    Brown rice!!!!

    I always thought it was the healthier option, but it is LOADED with calories.

    I am also surprised at how large my portions are. (compared to what they SHOULD be). LOL
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    FAJITAS!! I thought because they were peppers and chicken that they were good for you! I would have put them at a healthy choice....NOT anymore! They are most certainly a treat now and instead of having 4 or 5 I only have three!
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    I am not sure any food surprised me, as I have always read labels due to allergies... what has shocked me as I lose weight, I can only eat so much without getting stuffed... used to be I could eat 10 times that amount and still be able to eat... buffets hated me, now they aren't worth it anymore....

    but finding the balance is what it is all about...
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    The amount of sugar certain fruits contains. Now i stick to mostly berries.

    Also, the small amount of protein in egg whites. This probably doesn't bother most people. I Eat a omelet at least once a week for breakfast, and I was only eating the egg white for the protein and the small amount of cholesterol. I still use only egg whites, but I use more than 2 eggs now. You live and you learn.
  • clw_888
    clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
    For me it has been cereal! I love cereal but my portions were way out of control compared to the serving sizes on the box. Since my servings were about double what it says on the box...I certainly was taking in way too many calories!
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    Dark (70%) Organic Chocolate - sooo tasty, so few calories and sugar and good for you ---- who knew!!:smile:
  • jhamby5579
    jhamby5579 Posts: 14 Member
    Omg I would say Sodium I just added that tab to my Food Diary. And as many have said maybe low calories but tons of sodium biggest ones I have seen are soups, and salad dressing CRAZY But as far as fruit I feel like its a better choice then other I don't think you are going to gain a bunch of weight because you ate to much fresh fruit LOL
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    fruit strips! I use to eat them 2-3 a day since they were only 45 cals. Then I realized how high in sugar they were. Changed that snack!
  • omgitsgarry
    For me, it wasn't the food that was surprising, it was my perception of an appropriate serving size.

    I agree! I never really looked at food labels before and was so surprised at how much or how little I was allowed to have of it.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I was surprised to see how much sodium is in processed food and in restaurant food, even foods that I didn't think were salty.
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    How MUCH better it is to pack in my morning protein calories using cottage-cheese, and how QUICKLY those bowls of grapes add sugar without much else that's good.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I was surprised at the calories in some of my "healthier" food choices - I love whole-grain crackers to snack on, but you can only have like 6 Triscuits for 120 calories! I still need crunchies once in a while, so look for low-cal options that will satisy my crunch-addiction :)

    As for the fruit/sugar conversations........I'm thinkin' it's a WHOLE lot better for you to eat a banana (lots of potassium, ya know) than to munch a donut. I think the sugars metabolize differently in your system in fruit versus white and/or corn sugar. I do not have a sugar issue (not diabetic or pre-diabetic), so am glad about that :) And I refuse to use sugar substitutes. Who needs the chemicals???
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    For me, it wasn't the food that was surprising, it was my perception of an appropriate serving size.

    I agree! I never really looked at food labels before and was so surprised at how much or how little I was allowed to have of it.
    I've always looked at lables but I never really had Calories in my head like I do now. So I never thought of what constitued a portion.

    Now, I'm vert portion focussed and find that I can't eat the volumes I used to :bigsmile:
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    I would have never guessed 1 poptart was a serving and how bad 2 plain brown sugar pop tarts were. I really miss my poptarts but I look at them now and think of all the other stuff i could eat.:cry: