quorn instead of meat

this week i am trying all my evening meals with quorn instead of meat anyone ever down this and found good results?

today- quorn chicken fahitas
tuesday - quorn cottage pie
wednesday - quorn chicken korma
thurday - quorn bolognais
friday- quorn chilli
sat - quorn singapore noodles (looking forward to this)



  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    I tried quorn once and found it completely disgusting but to me, nothing can replace mince so I've just given it up completly.

    Still got a bag of quorn in my freezer, it makes me feel a little sick and appricate what I'm gunna eat even more ha :)
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    Have cooked with it a few times as my mam is a veggie, but find it can get quite dry and soaks up a lot of moisture if used in sauces.
  • Sam426f
    Sam426f Posts: 47 Member
    It works! :happy: I bet you will notice a difference after a week, I can't describe it, but you will also feel lighter inside without lots of meat clogging you up :embarassed:

    I find quorn just as filling as meat. I now tend to only eat meat at the weekends, let us know how you get on!

  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    I have been veggie for years and use Quorn a lot - it can be a little dry, but it works great in really saucy dishes like bolongnaise, or in anything done in a slow cooker. Linda Maccartny stuff tends to be more moist I find, but also a little higher in calories.

    I really like the veggie meat substitutes, but I've not eaten meat in so long I can't really remember what the real thing tastes like! Have you tried cooking with tofu? That is high protein, low fat and you can often get it very cheaply in any oriental supermarket.

    Let us know your results :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend x
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    There is a knack to cooking with quorn, i am veggie so use it alot. I find if i am cooking the pieces in a curry it does need more liquid than the receipe states as it soaks up liquid and gets dry. I use sundreied tomatoe paste in mince dishes and add extra liquid. Also and i know we are tryng to cut calories but there is defienlty a certain something lacking in the flavour that i find 1tsp of butter greatly improves the flavour of any of the mince dishes without adding to many extra calories.

    The noodles dish sounds nice.

    I am a big fan of using the chicken style pieces in a mock chicken pot pie type receipe with loads of veg and a white sauce made with a splash of milk and the rest of the liquid as stock
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 920 Member
    It works! :happy: I bet you will notice a difference after a week, I can't describe it, but you will also feel lighter inside without lots of meat clogging you up :embarassed:

    I find quorn just as filling as meat. I now tend to only eat meat at the weekends, let us know how you get on!


    i love quorn. im board of chicken and its cheaper than meat. i got the quorn cookbook free with packs a few months ago so i may give some of them a try aswell. its sooooooo low in calories aswell :bigsmile:

    will do sam ill let you know on sunday when i weigh. ive been same weight for 3 weeks now :angry: so im gonna try this methos my mam does it when shes doing 'serious dieting'
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I've always hated quorn whenever I've tried it, but I recently bought some pre-made quorn and cheesy and broccoli escalopes in breadcrumbs and they were fantastic!
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    I've never tried quorn (I'm vegan, and it has something nonvegan in it, eggs I think). There are plenty of meat replacements to try, if quorn isn't your thing. Boca crumbles and burgers, Gardein products (all of them yummy!),Morningstar meal starters, lots of stuff. Lots of regular grocery stores have this stuff now, or go to Whole Foods or a health food store. Also, TVP (textured vegetable protein) is terrific for adding to chili and soups. It's just little dried chunks that reconstitute and soak up flavor from the liquid. Very very low calorie, cheap, and has a texture just like hamburger once it's reconstituted. Find it in the bulk section of health food stores.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I absolutely LOVE Quorn. Maybe that makes me weird. I am not a vegetarian but if I could FIND it in my stores (the groceries here in SW Michigan kind of suck), I'd eat it all the time. It's a little more calorie-dense than chicken, but yum.
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    I have tried quorn a number of times - sometimes more successful than others.

    I think as long as you "camouflage" the fact that it doesn't taste of much, and avoid having in it's "raw state" (I don't mean uncooked just plain) then I think you will be fine.

    I like : Quorn chilli, spicy bean n Quorn sausage casserole, Quorn spicy stirfry
    Didn't like - Quorn Spag Bol, Quorn sausage sandwich

    See what I mean..... steer clear of the blander dishes, spice it up and it's fine. In fact my mum couldn't tell the difference, when I did a chilli for her using quorn instead of beef mince. AND my other half has even tried my Quorn Chilli recently, and was very complimentary. While he said he does prefer meat, he is happy to have it from time-to-time as an alternative, with me to keep cals down.

    Enjoy x
  • emily_kenyon
    emily_kenyon Posts: 76 Member
    i eat quorn bugers and quorn mint chops think they where called and i have to say they where very nice. I have also had the weight watchers saussages and oh my they where yummy and only 60 calories each :)
  • tilulah1304
    tilulah1304 Posts: 36 Member
    think i might give this a try!! let me know how you all get on.. :flowerforyou:
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I prefer meat but I quite like quorn and the calorie difference is amazing. I usually use quorn for the protein in my lunch then have lean meat at dinner. Good luck with it!
  • hazieo
    hazieo Posts: 40 Member
    Yep, quorn bolognaise is lovely, I really like the quorn fillets too.
    You'll notice the difference in a couple of weeks time I bet.
  • Lashes1986
    Lashes1986 Posts: 126 Member
    I have only recently started using Quorn as a substitute purely for the calorie difference.

    So far I have tried the 'Chicken style cubes', Chicken style fillets, Mince and a Roast joint type thing. I didnt like the roast at all!! I also wasnt keen on the mince but have brought another bag to give a different recipe a chance. I have used the cubes and fillets more then once and love them as long as they are cooked with a sauce as they are awful by themselves.

    I am keen to try the sausages, meatballs, goujons, peppered steak. steak strips, lamb style grills, and possible the burgers. Thats a good old list. Pretty sure my local tesco and sainsburys do not stock a majority of those items but i will find them somewhere loool.

    Good luck with your Quorn week challenge. x
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I usually use half quorn/half ground beef to make spaghetti sauce. Lower cal but you still get the taste of the real thing!
  • i was totally veggie for a year and ate quorn, i have IBS so this was great for me. Although some of my friends have said that Quorn products more than once a week gave them ... upset tummies... to put it politely..
  • I LOVE quorn! I've been a vegetarian for 15 years, and I've gotten away from many of the faux-meat products in an effort to eat more whole foods. I like to have quorn products around though for protein when I'm not feeling like putting much effort into cooking though, and I prefer not to overload on soy.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Is this another new frankenstein food?
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    saw quorn at the grocery store and was kind of curious.. lol