2012 weddings



  • We are getting married 9/15/12 and I am hoping to drop this last 17 freaking lbs and to maintain it until march 2013 when we are planning to start a family. I love that we are all losing weight before we get married so we know our husbands will be with us through thick and thin. :D
  • My wedding is May 12, 2012. That's about 35 weeks away. If I lost half a pound every week, I could lose 17.5 pounds. I don't think half a pound every week is very realistic for me, so I think 15 pounds is the max I can expect to lose by then. My current weight is about 153, so if I lost 15 pounds I would be 138. That's still 3 pounds above the high end of my happy weight and 8 pounds above the weight I really want to be. Still, losing 15 pounds would be a dramatic improvement from where I am right now.
  • Hi all! My boyfriend (excuse me, FIANCE) just proposed last Friday. We obviously don't have a date yet, but are planning to have the wedding some time next summer. I'm hoping to use this wedding as the ultimate motivation that has been missing my last few attempts at sticking with a fitness plan. I want to lose 11 pounds (hopefully by early next year) and then maintain until the wedding in the summer. That seems do-able, no?

    Congrats to everyone else getting married! I'm still kind of in disbelief :)
  • Hi all - Just joined today! I'm getting married Sept 09, 2012 and have already bought the dress of my dreams. Looking for other brides to be to motivate!
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    Im getting married next summer!! We don't have a date set yet, but Ive got plenty of time to drop the 50 lbs I am hoping to AT LEAST by my birthday in July... I am motivated to look awesome in a bikini on the beach during my honeymoon and look fabulous in all of our photos we have taken... IM SO EXCITED!!!

    Im always looking for new friends! Feel free to add me!! =) Good luck to all of us 2012 Brides <3
  • karlakk
    karlakk Posts: 28 Member
    Getting married July 7, 2012, I want to lose at least 30 lbs, (hoping more), feel free to friend me :)