Spinal Stenosis

ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
My sister was diagnosed with spinal stenosis. What, if anything, can she do to live more actively and comfortably with it? She's talked with her chiropractor about it but feels very disheartened about not being where she used to be, with her activity level. And when she walks it hurts her to straighten her back. She does back exercises and yoga, plus walking most days. She used to snow-shoe and kayak and feels she can no longer do those things. :(

Just looking to see if anyone else has dealt with this particular issue. Thank you so much.


  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    I can understand your sister feeling upset after hearing words like that. How severe is the spinal stenosis, and is it throughout her entire spine?

    I actually have mild to moderate stenosis in my lumbar spine, although I only was ever "diagnosed" with it by reading my MRI that I had because of chronic low back pain. I believe it's fairly common as we get older, unfortunately. I'm 44 now, but have been dealing with this for years.

    I've had chronic low back pain for years and have been to chiropractors and physical therapy. I think the chiro is beneficial, but I found more benefit from PT. I was given exercises that I still do, because I think strengthening the muscles around the affected area is very important. However, back exercises may actually be aggravating the problem. I do spinal extensions, but not for strengthening, more as part of a treatment to help with the spine (the ones given by the PT). For me, strengthening my glutes and core (especially lower abs/transverse abs) has been very important to my rehab, but it's all individual. I also just have to be super aware of my posture, because I tend to sit with a slightly rounded back and stand with and overarched back, which only exacerbates the problem.

    As far as my activities now, I'm doing all the things I want to: heavy lifting (even deadlifts and squats), dancing with some jumping, and long walks. OF course, I have to really listen to my body and make sure my form is on at all times, esp. with the heavy lifting. A few years ago, there was a point when after a long day of work (in which I am mostly sitting on the floor), I couldn't even stand up straight. That doesn't happen anymore. My back will never be 100% the same and I do have flare-ups, but I feel I have more tools to help. I'm even in PT again now, but for a shoulder issue (although it's probably all related). It is frustrating at times, but I've learned to manage.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    My 70 year old mom had surgery in January to help her deal with stenosis. She wishes she'd done it a long time ago. You mentioned a chiropractor, I don't know if you've spoken to a medical doctor about your options but they can do amazing things now
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Stop talking to a chiro and talk to a physio therapist and/or orthopaedic surgeon.

    Plenty of people live with spinal stenosis. Often the best course of action is physio therapy.

    I'm curious. How was she diagnosed if she hasn't already had these conversations?
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Thank you for your replies. I will pass on the ideas and encouragement. I told her she needs to go see her doctor but I think she's just done with doctors for now. With everything she's been through relating to her late dh, I think she simply needs a break for herself. KWIM?
    Her chiro told her what it is. She fell back in the fall and hurt a back muscle, but through chiro appts. and her exercises he gave her, she got much better. But then all the lifting, carrying, everything she had to do over the winter, just took it's toll on her. :( She has a lot of problems with inflammation in her body and this was a different area that was hurting her. She's been losing bone mass and has arthritis. I will definitely talk with her again about seeing a dr. and possibly getting a referral to PT. I'm sure she'll be hesitant about seeing the orthopedic surgeon considering everything she went through with her dh and the surgeon. He's good, very good, but she's not ready for those memories. The chiro is very good as well and he even admitted to her, he wouldn't be able to help her with this.

    And while I can talk with her til I'm blue in the face, she'll only listen to what she wants to hear and do it her way anyways. :(

    Thank you all!!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I'm so sorry she's dealing spinal stenosis, especially after going through a rough time with her husband and his surgery. I have spinal stenosis too, as well as other back issues. I have some chronic back pain but for me, I've found that if I keep active, the pain is more minimal. Riding a stationary bike or a bike outside works well for me as does walking, yoga, and weights. The key is listening to your body. I now know what activities can cause me pain and while I don't always avoid them, I do those activities in more measured amounts. For instance, I love our hardwood floors but cleaning the floors all at once will set me back. So I divide the task up into smaller areas. And as crazy as it sounds, I stretch afterward!! Sounds nuts but it does help!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited March 2021
    I'm sorry to be so blunt, a chiro CANNOT diagnose spinal stenosis. It requires proper imaging such as an MRI scan.

    I would be concerned about a chiro making that kind of diagnosis and what their "prescription would be, generally 2-3 sessions a week for several months? Though I admire him saying he can't help her I guess. Has all her diagnoses come from the chiro? Also losing bone mass is a concern because it will set her up for other serious concerns as she gets older.

    If she is having back pain, she needs to see a physio therapist.
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    I had stenosis, did a lot of PT which helped, but didn't cure it. Mine was in the neck after accident, it was pretty bad. Every dr I went on the consultation with, told me i was at risk for complete paralipsis. So after much consideration and seeing few different orthopedic surgeons, i had operation. I'm so glad i did, i regained my movement, most of my symptoms are gone. I have some lingering unpleasant numbness in my foot, but I'm active and not terrified anymore of any small thing that can cause paralipsis. I think chiropractor should be not the person to diagnose and treat your mom. Think what's involved, spinal cord injury can become permanent and have terrible consequences. PT is better, but seeing the specialist is the best way, imo. Hopefully your mom can get help, can reach out for help. Just keep the conversation going, maybe she'll listen.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Thanks again everybody. I had a talk with my sister yesterday and tried to convince her to make an appt. with her dr. so she could get a referral for PT or a specialist. She'd like to but is in the midst of now receiving bills from everything her dh went through, plus she had to get new insurance for herself at the beginning of the year and has no clue what it'll cover or not. :( Told her to call the ins. co. and she said she tried that but got discouraged. All in all, she's in a very vulnerable discouraging place ATM and is finding it hard to make headway anywhere. She's putting herself last(as she does too often :() and is having a hard time all around moving forward. And let's face it, dealing with an ins. co. doesn't make life any easier. :(
    It's coming down to money for her. Her dh has only been gone a month so she's truly recovering from that being so fresh and raw; she's trying to do simple things to get herself better. I'm glad for the things she IS doing, like eating, getting outside, simple exercises, but if something gets difficult, she cannot handle it yet. :(

    I think I'll connect with her dd and talk with her about it.

    Thank you everybody <3
  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    edited March 2021
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Thanks again everybody. I had a talk with my sister yesterday and tried to convince her to make an appt. with her dr. so she could get a referral for PT or a specialist. She'd like to but is in the midst of now receiving bills from everything her dh went through, plus she had to get new insurance for herself at the beginning of the year and has no clue what it'll cover or not. :( Told her to call the ins. co. and she said she tried that but got discouraged. All in all, she's in a very vulnerable discouraging place ATM and is finding it hard to make headway anywhere. She's putting herself last(as she does too often :() and is having a hard time all around moving forward. And let's face it, dealing with an ins. co. doesn't make life any easier. :(
    It's coming down to money for her. Her dh has only been gone a month so she's truly recovering from that being so fresh and raw; she's trying to do simple things to get herself better. I'm glad for the things she IS doing, like eating, getting outside, simple exercises, but if something gets difficult, she cannot handle it yet. :(

    I think I'll connect with her dd and talk with her about it.

    Thank you everybody <3

    I'm so sorry. It sounds like it's just "One more thing," for her to have to handle, and she doesn't have the capacity to do that just yet. I understand. It's also very frustrating dealing with insurance companies and doctor bills.

    If she can't get to a PT right now, I'm thinking there has to be online or book resources to help with spinal stenosis. Maybe that's something you or her daughter could help with, since it sounds like she's not yet in a place to actually be able to go to PT?

    Also, why would someone disagree with your post?
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Disagreeing could have been an accidental... Also, @ReenieHJ , sorry I've said "mom" in my response, it's your sister. I apologise for my mistake! One month is such short time, at least she's eating and exercising some. Hugs...
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    A disagree....who knows? :) Most of the time I don't care anymore when the disagree-ers hit. It's their problem, not mine. :)

    No problem @icemom011 :)

    I really do appreciate all the feedback I've gotten. <3 And I've been doing searches on how to treat it; everything she's been doing is right on the money, except she still tries to do more than she should, raking, hauling stuff around her house. I agree that an MRI will be the one way to 100% know what she's got but until she gets herself to the dr., I'll help her do the best she can.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I've definitely accidentally disagreed on posts due to the position of the disagree button and scrolling. It's so easy done.

    Hugs to your sister, it sounds like she's going through a lot, and grief is so hard.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    edited March 2021
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    I've definitely accidentally disagreed on posts due to the position of the disagree button and scrolling. It's so easy done.

    Hugs to your sister, it sounds like she's going through a lot, and grief is so hard.

    FWIW, if you mistakenly post a "Disagree," " or any of the other "ratings" at the bottom of a post (or just chg your mind), you can easily "undo" the rating by touching that rating under the post again and it will be deleted from the cumulative total for that rating.

    Unlike edits to a post, this is NOT time limited and can be done at any time.

    BTW, I have minor spinal stenosis too which was only discovered after an MRI was taken to assess a SI joint injury I sustained while improperly doing back squats.

    Was given a couple of cortisone shots via ultrasound to attempt 2 relieve the SI joint pain wc really didn't work.

    The stenosis never caused me any pain and the pain from rhe SI injury eventually went away w/regulsr exercise (hiking, walking & rowing) but I still feel some tenderness there and am very concious about form and still have not attempted to squat using max wts since then.

    I'm a well known patient at the Orthopedic Dept of the UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco. They have fixed and are still treating a variety of orthopedic problems for me, for wc I am extremely thankful.