Losing weight in their 40s

Anybody else in their 40s trying to lose weight? Im 42 years old and not getting any younger. Just seems like yesterday it was the 90s and I was in my early 20s. I've lost weight before but slipped back into bad habits. I've lost 35 lbs in about the last four months. Trying to get down to 180 pounds again. So still have another 69 pounds to go. If you're looking for somebody in that same place and need some accountability buddies, send me a friend request. Have a great day!


  • verdenlola
    verdenlola Posts: 17 Member
    Hey, I understan what you're going through bad eating habits are a problem but since you're aware of it you made the first step! I'm not saying the road to your ultimate goal is easy, it will be hard but it's not impossible. There is a way to overcome those bad habits and make your goal weight sustainable. Let me know if you need any help on your way I'm here to help! Feel free to add and message me. :smiley::smiley: