i’ve been eating bad for 3 weeks and the scale had hardly moved HELP

before i ate bad i was about 10 stone 1 i’m now 10 stone 6 which is bad but i assume it’s mainly water weight with a bit of fat gain

today i weighed myself and i was expecting to weight 10 stone 10 but was the same weight a week ago and i’m wondering if this just means is water weight? or does this sound more like fat gain

idk if that made sense basically this question is about water weight

i obviously wasn’t eating as much as i thought but still


  • WillHeWontHe
    WillHeWontHe Posts: 9 Member
    If your water intake has increased to what it was when you are bad you will have more water weight imo. I'd expect your weight will come down next weigh day....weighing yourself at the same time each weigh day? And weighing first thing in the morning us best reading
  • dewit
    dewit Posts: 1,468 Member
    First, you retained water. Then, actual fat. Talking from experience 😉 If I am understanding your problem correctly. 🤷‍♀️

    This is not the time to panik, but I'd advice you go back to eating properly. Otherwise, fat will be harder to get rid of than water.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I am not 100% certain what you are asking but for the record, it is kind of impossible to determine if its water (or muscle, of fat) with a few scale readings, especially when they are weeks apart.
    The important thing really is, you have a 'weight' right now and you need to decide where to go from here. Be consistent, log calories accurately and weigh yourself as often as you need to to see progress. I weigh daily, as it gives me a better understanding of how y body reacts to certain meals, exercise, overeating, undereating, etc. When I gain 4 lbs on the scale in one day, I know it is water and nothing to panic about. Gaining 4 lbs in 3 weeks for me, would make me know something is wrong with my plan (especially if I can see from my daily weigh ins that it has slowly crept up and isn't just a one or two day blip from salt).

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,138 Member
    edited March 2021
    Not sure what you're asking or what you're really wondering and what bad and good means to you.

    **Kitten** good and bad.

    You either get to eat more, less, or exactly as many calories are you need.

    And **after a while** that energy intake balance *will* be reflected on your weight.

    Is it easier to keep to the correct energy balance if you eat nutritious filling foods, or if you eat every cookie in the drawer?

    I've done both.

    And the balance between the two eating extremes is something for you to find out for yourself.

    But I truly don't understand why you're obsessing about your weight at this point of time.

    The only thing that would make sense to me for you to be obsessing about are the preconditions that will influence what will happen with your future weight!

    If you keep being, as you say (and which is something that I would never use and/or say about myself, at least not anymore) "bad", the upcoming results are *predictable* and you **know** what they will be. So no need to obsess about them!

    At a guess (and it can only be a guess from half a globe away), you initially showed a water weight increase from extra food inside your body and from sodium related water retention. And, a few days later, a good part of that has gone on to become an actual fat level increase while some of the water weight increase has gone away.