Low calorie bread alternative

Hi folks. I've quit white bread and switch to wholemeal and soda bread ...I know at it's still high in calories so any suggestions to a lower calorie bread substitute for sandwiches as I can't give it up completly. Thank you


  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    If you're not as concerned about replacing the bread flavor and texture, wrapping in lettuce can work for some sandwich fillings. I prefer sturdier, crunchy lettuces. You can also try wraps, which are sometimes advertised as "low carb" but have just as many calories, so check the label.

    @Poobah1972 has a flourless bread recipe that looks really good although I haven't tried it, if you are willing to try baking yourself! I prefer to bake my own too though I use regular bread flour - it's not low calorie, but it's good enough that I'm willing to use the calories on it every once in a while, which is something I really can't say about most store bought bread.
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Whoo hoo... I got a mention. (the first... lol) thank you.

    Not sure you will be be interested in this or not as it's actually a Keto Bread recipe that tastes fantastic, and is everything bread is without flour (yes it seems crazy, but its true).

    However, the macro's might interest though as they could fit into any solid WOE (Way of eating). High in protein and fiber too.

    Here's the link... https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10825652/best-low-carb-bread-no-flour-was-used/p1

    And the Macro's

    Whole Loaf

    1610 Calories
    Total Fat 66 Grams
    Total Carbohydrates 97 Grams
    Dietary Fiber 68 Grams
    NET Carbs 29 Grams
    Protein 185 grams

    Per Slice (17 per Loaf)

    94.70 Calories
    Total Fat 3.88 Grams
    Total Carbohydrates 5.71 Grams
    Dietary Fiber 4.00 Grams
    NET Carbs 1.70 Grams
    Protein 10.88 Gram
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 989 Member
    Which country are you in? That may make a difference as to whether any other responses are of use.

    I rarely eat bread but, if I do buy it, I get Hovis's Wholemeal, medium slices. I'm in the UK. However, I chose this, after comparing multiple different loaves. It has the lowest cals at 88 per slice vs 103 for Warburton's wholemeal and 188 for Kingsmill's 50/50. I went online and searched for every brand that I was ever likely to buy - and looked at the figures for a 100g serving. Comparing them side by side determined which one I'd be buying in future. You could probably do that whichever country you're in.

    Otherwise, my only suggestions for alternatives are to investigate wraps or use lettuce.
  • WillHeWontHe
    WillHeWontHe Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you alis and Pooba....I've tried the lettuce approache alright but I honestly just cannot take to it :( the keto bread may be a way to go. I'll give it a go for sure. I haven't looked at the link just yet but I've thought about making oopsie cloud bread any experience with this? I live in Ireland Strudders....I found that half and half(brown and white) is only 88 calories too and seemst to be the lowest. Thanks for the advice everyone.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    I’m in the US, but surely you have some equivalents. We have low carb tortillas here that are 45 calories for a sizable flour tortilla which I use to make wraps. To me, they taste just the same as a “regular” flour tortilla.

    Corn tortillas are about 90 calories for two of the smaller sized ones but they tear easily.

    There’s some low calorie Lavash type breads in some of our groceries. They make good pizza crusts, too.

    We have a commercial bakery here which distribute a brand called Lewis Bakeries “Healthy White” and “Healthy Honey Wheat”, at 35 calories per slice. It tastes like regular bread , just seems to be sliced thinner. I’ve made everything from French toast to sandwiches to grilled cheese with it.

    I don’t know what groceries you have access to. Unfortunately, lidl and Aldi are weak in the low cal department here, although Lidl has just started carrying the Carb Smart tortillas. You’d probably need to look at a bigger Tesco or Sainsburys or the equivalent of my Kroger and Publix stores.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    Oh one other thought....since Lidl turned off their slicing machine due to Covid, I’ve been slicing my own loaves at home.

    I got a terrific knife off amazon. I can slice the bread as thin as I want, with a lot of control with this beast. I love garlic toast, and with wafer thin slices I have the sensation of having all I want, for comparatively few calories.

    I also get to enjoy French toast with “chewy” bread instead of big standard white loaf bread.

    Where has this thing been all my life?
    Sorry this is the US link, but I’m sure it’s available in the UK:
  • Kupla71
    Kupla71 Posts: 1,361 Member
    Weight watchers has bread that is only 50 calories a slice. The size of the slices are considerably smaller than regular bread but if you want less calories it’s not a bad way to portion control since you just end up having a smaller sandwich.
  • mylittlerainbow
    mylittlerainbow Posts: 822 Member
    I buy Arnold's sandwich thins and Tumaro wraps and live on those, depending on what I want a bread-like substance for.