Got off track but I am back now.

I got off track and blew it for about 6 weeks. Very disappointed in myself. I had lost about 30 lbs but have gained. I have not brought myself to weight to see just how bad it is but from my measurements I think pretty bad. Praying that I can stay on track and get to my ideal weight.


  • BlessedandBeautifulBrown
    welcome back
  • megamoo04
    welcome back and you an do it!!
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome back, and good luck!! You can do this!!! :-)
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    You can do it! Every challenge is an opportunity to learn. Good luck!
  • ctpensacola
    you can do it. You need to surround yourself with positive people. I was talking to a friend today who said she had a friend that was constantly trying to get her to eat the wrong things. I think if you hang out with people who are bad influences, then some of that will probably carry over. You can rationalize that you aren't as bad or overweight as that person, but really what you need is people that inspire you.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    You CAN do this!!! I am living proof that it is very possible.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Its good that you are back on track.
    6 weeks is a long time to stray.
    Be more careful.
  • Cmuchoa
    Cmuchoa Posts: 161 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself as you are back and that is the first step. Recognize and own yr mistakes and get back on track. I have been sick for weeks now and haven't been doing too well but starting to feel a lot better. I am starting today get back to eating sensible and hopefully in time I will get results. We are all on the road to better health and we all fall down - getting back up is what is important - take care Tony - you can do it !
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome back, and good luck!
    Don't be afraid of the scales, go ahead and weigh, it might not be as bad as you might think. But you are going do to just fine. We are rooting for you:wink:
  • Tonyaton425
    Tonyaton425 Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome back, good luck on your journey, it gets hard sometimes. I slip all the time, I am getting back on track now -- myself, I am rebooting starting today.
  • blessedindeed
    blessedindeed Posts: 30 Member
    We ALL fall, but the important part is that you're back! We're cheering for you! So, KIM!!!!!!!