Eating unhealthy foods during maintance?



  • demonoid5k
    demonoid5k Posts: 3 Member
    My PT used to tell me I could have one cheat meal a week. It could be as much as you wanted of whatever you wanted but had to be one sitting and when you were done that was it for the week. He mostly used his cheat on domino's pizza. But even then you still have to log it. You can also add up all the kcals in a week and divide them by 7 to give you your weekly average. Of that average is over your maintenance you can expect to gain weight.
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    potluck965 wrote: »
    I have eaten "normal" things throughout my weight loss journey and two years of maintenance. I just keep within my calorie allowance and don't overdo.

    Personally, I think depriving yourself just makes you miserable and will affect your attitude towards success. This is a lifetime journey, a lifestyle change. I am not going to live like a monk forever.

    I lost weight so I would live longer and happier. It's all a matter of perspective.

    I know this is an old post, but I laughed when I read this reply. Even monks have days they feast instead of fast.
  • 425Recess
    425Recess Posts: 261 Member
    I eat junk food too but I watch it. Too much junk food means I am skipping nutritious food. I love cookies - recently I have girl scout cookies but two cookies, two times a week. Special occasions can mean not so nutritious and to many calories but then cut back for a couple of days and eat lots of veggies. That is what maintenance means to me.
  • ashleymcn01
    ashleymcn01 Posts: 108 Member
    Back in 2014 I was my heaviest at 169lbs, I've managed to maintain around 135 for a number of years now. I have always made good meals but I will make cakes, pies, cookies, etc. I have that mentality of everything in moderation, so I eat what I want.

    My problem, is that I love a glass (or two) of wine at night and my appetite has changed here recently. I'm no longer craving the healthy meals/snacks, and seem to just want the carbs and sugar. I got on the scales this morning and I'm at 138lb. I should also note that I'm heading into that wonderful life change that all of us women sooner or later encounter, and that has it's own set of challenges.

    I'm trying mentally to get back on track, but it seems I'm in a battle with myself and the junk food is winning.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    I always eat normal foods. after I stop losing weight. the only change I made. is the condiment switch. now instead f low fat or low sugar. my condiments have all sugar and fat. it didn't make a difference. I also eat more junk food. instead of healthy snacks. have to watch it with that one. the weight will come back quickly. just think about it. one cookie sometimes equal 250 calories. a nice double chocolate muffin equal 420-450 cal as a standard. its not filling at all. that junk food/snack is a slippery slope.
  • IMaintain
    IMaintain Posts: 13 Member
    ayalowich wrote: »
    Just like losing weight, maintaining weight is about calories in vs calories out. Eating cake won't make you gain weight. Eating over your caloric maintenance levels will cause you to gain weight. "Healthy" vs "unhealthy" isn't the issue. You can continue to eat "clean" or "healthy", but gain weight because you are taking in more calories than you burn. Your body doesn't store fat because of the type of food you eat, and you didn't lose weight because you were eating a "clean" or "healthy" diet.

    I follow flexible dieting and eat according to my macro, micro and fiber goals. If I wan't pizza or chipotle, ice cream or pop tarts I eat it, but it fits my goals. Mindless snacking and not tracking your food intake is where you will run into trouble, and this usually occurs when you restrict your diet and avoid certain foods. Once you hit your "goal" weight, that's where people tend to slack. I suggest sticking to your calorie, macro and micro goals and making room for the foods you enjoy. You want to create a lifestyle that you can continue for the long term.

    I've seen this several times in various threads and just do not agree. I don't think you can make a one size fits all answer. Personally, if I eat a excessive amount of carbs, it makes a big difference in whether I maintain my weight as opposed to eating a higher percentage of protein.

    And what I could do in my 20's and 30's is much different than what happens now. I have to be so much more disciplined. Sad, but true.

    It's not one-size-fits-all, it's science-fits-all, or at least science explains physical processes. I'm just now revisiting this site after years away after some suprising-but-not-surprising weight news. Due to long experience with maintenance mode and close attention to quantities and calorie information, I just keep a running count of my calories all day from calculations in my head. Overestimating is the key: you NEVER want to be surprised by a higher number at a weigh-in. I hadn't weighed myself for three years, keeping a running calculation of my weight based on my equilibirium amount (per age, etc.) and reducing 60 calories per mile from what my phone reports daily--an intentional underestimation so that I don't get burned at a weigh-in. I've had plenty of indulgence along the way, and have generally watched my weight creep up slowly over the years so that I went back to discipline for about the past three weeks, putting up small negatives daily. Plenty of indulgence, just keep that daily number below zero. The fit of my clothes is always a sanity check, and when I felt a small change in my belt, I weighed myself for the first time in three years.

    Voila!: My actual weight is 152 while my scientifically calculated log's latest reading is 168. When does that ever happen? Checking the science, 16 pounds at 3500 calories per pound is 56,000 calories. Three years of building up that discrepancy is about 1000 days. 56,000/1000 = 56. I'd been overestimating my caloric expenditure by an average of just 56 calories per day, which is far better than I would have predicted. The 16 pound error is simply a tiny error repeated over a long period of time. Science wins again. The key to getting science to work for you is complete honesty with yourself about what you actually eat. Indulge as you please---and without too much guilt because you're being rational about it by tracking yourself with honest calculations. The one indulgence you need to stay away from is underestimation, that is, lying to yourself in a way that feels good. Go with the science, overestimate in a systematic way, and you'll always be in a state where your actual physical situation is better than you think; no more depressing surprises. I also think weighing in at least once a month would be best, but 36 months is too long because it amplifies small errors too greatly.

    I have no trick for getting and keeping control over indulgence. That's personal psychological stuff that doesn't lend itself to scientific objectivity very easily. That's no reason, though, not to use science to your advantage when you can.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    IMO, One of the reasons you should plan your diet carefully is to choose a plan that you can do for life. Maintenance can be tricky for a number of reasons, but certainly one of the big ones is eating foods that were taboo during weight loss, and not being as accountable.
    If you know you will never be able to give up ice cream for life, then you probably should have a plan that lets you indulge in it once in awhile (either budget for it, or reduce your portion size, or both). The closer your plan is to what it will look like once you 'get there' the more likely you will succeed long term.
  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    I can maintain on 1900 cals a day. I’m turning 50 and I lift and am very active.

    When I was 30, I could maintain 2200 cals a day.

    Maintenance cals change as you get older and you have to pay attention to it and be wiling to make adjustments based on age and activity level.

    I gained 4 lbs when I began working from home. I realized it was bc I was not walking as much, so I added a walking routine to my day and I’m at 8,000 steps a day give or take (in addition to lifting).