Resist the urge to manipulate your bodies...

rockylucas Posts: 343 Member
edited October 2024 in Motivation and Support
One of the most profound things I learned in my ED counseling was the sad ways in which people will seek to torture and manipulate their bodies in order to lose weight. Things that we would never do to another person, or want done to us, we will freely do to our own bodies in the name of "health"

If our bodies do not serve us how we like by dropping weight quickly enough, we will punish our bodies by feeding it less. If our body annoys us by constantly asking for nourishment, we will ignore it, or we will attempt to trick it by use of medications or fad diets to make it think that it doesn't really need anything else to eat.

We will starve our bodies, medicate our bodies, "detox" our bodies, make our bodies a source of hate and frustration, all because we want our body to be less than what it is, smaller than what it is, for it to abide us by spitting out a smaller number when we step on the scale.

And when it refuses to give into our manipulations, we give up and we punish our bodies. We punish it by not giving it any exercise. We punish it by feeding it junk food. And then one day, we decide that if we are just a little more restrictive, a little more manipulative, maybe THIS time our body will GIVE US WHAT WE WANT FROM IT! And the whole hateful, hurtful process starts over again.

Only when you learn to love and appreciate your body, will you experience long term health and happiness with your weight and health goals. Do not try to trick and manipulate your body... love your body, give your body what it needs, and TRUST your body not to let you down. After all... you were the one that did this to your body, your body did not do this to you ;)


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