HELP!! I am too lazy for my own good.

How can I motivate myself to not be a lazy slug without taking energy pills/drinks?!


  • miss_bex
    I think the key to it, is to look at why you are doing this and find something to motivate you.

    I also think its important when exercising to find something you like. My idea of hell is someones pleasure and if you find something you enjoy to do it makes it a lot easier! x

    Good luck
  • SuziC66
    Thanks for the's so hard to tell myself to get up off the couch and go to the gym or do my P90X. There's just something about pajamas and bad reruns on TV that gets me everytime.
  • miss_bex
    I know the feeling especially after being at work all day.

    Ive planned to do exercise on my days off and I tend to do 30 minutes on the wii when my daughter is having a nap and then twice a week I get out walking with a frined so that helps as well.

    maybe you could join a group or get together with a friend to exercise with?

  • Momalish
    Momalish Posts: 3 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I felt the exat same way. I know EXACTLY how you feel about PJs and reruns!! The best way to beat this, I find, is to change in to your gym stuff and just DO IT. Try and think about how great you will feel afterwards, and how much better those PJs and reruns will be once you've had a good work out sesh! Well earned treats feel so much better. Good luck!
  • Bring your gym clothing to work and change before you walk out the door. I do this periodically and when I don't, my co-workers say, "Aren't you going to the gym today?" I feel like such a bum if I don't!!
  • debswebby
    I'm the laziest person on the planet. I hate exercising with a passion. I resent every second it takes me away from my bed/sofa/hobbies. I just get on with it. If I think about it for more than a second, I start making excuses for not doing it. I get in from work, put my gym gear on and am out the door again before gravity takes over and I get a chance to sit down. If my butt touches one bit of furniture I'm sunk.
    You have to view it as a means to an end. A necessary evil. Get it over and done with as early as possible and then you can enjoy those pj's and re-runs knowing that you've earned them.
  • SuziC66
    It's so nice to know I'm not alone!!! You guys are awesome!! Thank you so much!!! :) Come hell or high water I am going to the gym today!!!!!
  • msdee45
    I sooo know were you are coming from. Its too easy for me to see my son and hubby off for the day and then snuggle on the sofa with my dog, munch on junk and watch tv.
    I woke up today and looked at myself in the mirror and said No MORE, its time to lose weight or die. simple as that. So before I did
    anything at all. I put on work out clothes. It wasnt a pretty sight by any means LOL, but I did it and it helped me to get motivated to
    go walk a mile in 20 minutes, and when i came home, i kept on the workout clothes til my housework was done. It helped me today,
    so this will be a new routine from now on.
    Good Luck and Best get movin! lol
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    I've figured out I do better at getting in a good workout if just as soon as I get out of bed, I go get it done. If I don't, I spend all day saying "I'll do it in a few minutes" and then it's midnight and I never do work out. Now, I'm getting up earlier and by 8 am I've worked out for an hour at least. The rest of the day, I can hang out and watch old Andy Griffith reruns in my underwear if I want to (Thank God I work from home or that gets weird).
  • meowow
    meowow Posts: 42 Member
    I NEVER wait for motivation. I just FORCE myself to go to the gym 6 days a week, only taking Sundays off, no exceptions. Once I make the trip there, I just hit it as hard as I can because well, I got here and don't want to waste time/gas so might as well make it worth it. 21 days of doing this and you develop an addiction/habit to it. Just do it! don't wait for motivation.
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    I'm the laziest person on the planet. I hate exercising with a passion. I resent every second it takes me away from my bed/sofa/hobbies. I just get on with it. If I think about it for more than a second, I start making excuses for not doing it. I get in from work, put my gym gear on and am out the door again before gravity takes over and I get a chance to sit down. If my butt touches one bit of furniture I'm sunk.
    You have to view it as a means to an end. A necessary evil. Get it over and done with as early as possible and then you can enjoy those pj's and re-runs knowing that you've earned them.

    That is a good idea! :) Usually, I get home, change, start dinner, eat, and then end up exercising around 7 -8 or even later.
  • patriciamohs
    I had to find the best time of day for me to workout, for me, it is right away in the morning. At first I had to make myself do it, but once I started seeing results it got easier and easier. I also started by taking before pictures and measurements. My husband helped me so I could get really good pictures, from each side. I will be honest, I cried when I saw how I looked in the pictures, but it was what helped me push myself to get going right away the first month. After the first 30 days he took new pictures and we both were amazed, that was nearly 1 1/2 years ago, now I am in the best shape of my life and loving it! Good luck to you!
  • Drowndjellyfish
    I am the same way! I am going to try putting my laptop on my treadmill while I watch my favorite show. Hopefully that will help make the excersise feel like less work. I think that half of my issue is that I need to work out to get more energy to stay energetic!
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    I'm starting out small, and just building it into my routine myself. But being flexible, and always meeting small goals is the most emotionally rewarding thing you can do for yourself. Every time I go here to log in my cardio I do, I just feel
    "I did that. Yeap."

    And it feel so much better.
    Because in the end, I know this is a change for -me- and no one else!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You have to hit your breaking point. Right now you are saying you're not ready to take this by the horns and conquer it. Good luck! Add me as a friend if you'd like...I am a former energy drink junkie.
  • Ireshgurl
    I ABSOLUTELY hate every form of working out I've been doing. Serious. I go to the gym wit the hubby because I won't go by myself. I have to take the dog out for her daily walk/jog. I started using a dvd set and that lasted a week because I need to buy barbells. I have a bike sitting on my porch. ..... you get the picture. I absolutely LOVE dancing though. I'm on the hunt (when i get my 1st paycheck) to find a game for either the PS3 that I can just dance my *kitten* off to, lol. I just push through and do it anyways. My motivation is KNOWING that sittin on the couch in my pjs watchin my shows is NOT gonna get me where I want to be and that's usually enough. I am however going to have the hubby take pics so i have more motivation.
  • vlcervantes
    I too am so glad I'm not alone. I even sent a post to the Dr. Phil show once and asked them to do a show on how to break laziness. I like the idea posted to change into your workout clothes right away, then do your chores, cook dinner, eat, etc. I think I'll try that.

    Also, I recently made myself a poster of why I MUST exercise and put it in my exercise room (AKA the museum of unused exercise equipment.) It has these ideas posted: More stamina; I'm tired of being tired; I don't like the way my stomach looks, I don' like the way my arms look; I need to increase my HDL; and finally I want to be able to eat more. I noticed the other night as I was doing my C25K on the treadmill, that staring at that poster helped to push me through the last 2 segments.