Drama Time - Need some perspective



  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Yesterday on my drive home, as soon as I hit Texas, on most all of the overpasses along I-10, I saw this


    Firefighters on the overpasses waving flags. I burst into tears seeing these people. Call me a sensitive debbie downer if you will but it was very touching and to see this man spew hatred, makes me sick to the stomach. I usually never let anyone get to me like that but it just hit close to home. And don't get me wrong, there have been MANY horrible atrocious acts throughout history that can be mentioned but right now, for me at least, I lived and saw with my own eyes the horror of 9/11.

    I'd cry too seeing that. It all breaks my heart so much. The horror. I can still remember the fear like it was yesterday.
    And I'm a very analytical person. After 9-11 I asked WHY so many times. I tried to make sense of it.
    And regardless of why it happened, regardless of what justifications some very evil people made.....
    There is no karma. None. innocent people died. People going to work. People doing good. People just living.
    This wasn't war. It just kills me. And I'm really not sure how you could live here in America and be afforded all the opportunities and still spew such blind cruel hatred. It baffles me.
    And the worst part, is now the heros.. the first responders are dropping like flies. :(
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    I would have deleted him. I don't think you were wrong to be angry over his post. What an awesome picture that is! Great to see some people are still patriotic.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Why is this person a friend? He apparently isn't someone you have a reasonable difference of opinion with. Unless you think you'd really feel the loss. I'd delete him. Who needs that kind of negativity?
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    My best friend is Jamaican(born in Jamaica but raised here) and one day we were at a talent show and there were some kids just doing really stupid things before the show. She then says "American's are so ignorant" or something very similar to that. I'm African-American and so were the boys. So, I said to her well you know i'm African-American too. I was upset that my best friend would say something like this to me. She then told me her parents wouldn't like if she brought someone home like them because of the way they act but they don't think the same of me because they know me. When she told me that I knew this was something she was taught. This is the way her parents see me. Were still best friends because I know i can trust her to always be there for me no matter what. I don't fault her for the way she was brought up because I know that my parents are my guide and what they say must be true.
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    My best friend is Jamaican(born in Jamaica but raised here) and one day we were at a talent show and there were some kids just doing really stupid things before the show. She then says "American's are so ignorant" or something very similar to that. I'm African-American and so were the boys. So, I said to her well you know i'm African-American too. I was upset that my best friend would say something like this to me. She then told me her parents wouldn't like if she brought someone home like them because of the way they act but they don't think the same of me because they know me. When she told me that I knew this was something she was taught. This is the way her parents see me. Were still best friends because I know i can trust her to always be there for me no matter what. I don't fault her for the way she was brought up because I know that my parents are my guide and what they say must be true.
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    If I had a friend who said this, I would say that Karma doesn't need to mean a life for a life.

    It's so very sad and needless too that for every person who died in 9/11, another 5 (could even be 10) have since died in conflicts directly resulting from 9/11 and the numbers rise every day. They will never get a memorial.
  • msmonique0919
    My response would be:

    While many may hate America as a country and even some of its citizens, the individuals that were killed may not have shared the mentalities of those who are hated. So, they should not have been chosen as representatives to die. Nonetheless, the bottomline is that we are friends, but this issue is very sensitive to me. So in the interest of maintaining our friendship and my sanity, let's agree to disagree, refrain from further discussions on this topic and move forward. Thanks!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I posted a clip of a video called "Loose Change 9/11 the greatest lie ever sold" on my page yesterday with this quote, "Dear America, I love you but I don't believe you, sincerely, Independent Thinkers of America" and me and a social buddy went back and forth for hours and ended in pages being blocked and deleted.

    I know we each feel some sort of way about the tragedy. I was told that posting the video that exposes a lot of theories that show who was really involved in the attacks and what was gained by them. It also points out several cover ups and dozens of holes in the explanation given to the general public. I know 9/11 is a day that most chose to grieve or re live the events because media forces you to, but I have lost friends and family behind this selfish act and I refuse to be sad watching all the specials on TV. People grieve differently so instead of crying and being sad I chose to expose the lies force fed to us about the attacks. I was called a douche for not respecting the day. Damn 9/11!!! I HATE that day! My pains and sorrow are not narrowed down to a day, I grieve on holidays, birthdays, every time I open my yearbook or photo albums and realize my loved ones are gone behind an "act of terror" that could have been avoided. I'm not just sad I'm angry, posting the documentary only gave me a place to direct my anger.

    What it boils down to is, some people are insensitive,some people are *kitten*, but they have a right to their opinion, if you don't like it then ignore it.

    And here I wasn't going to argue on the internet today...

    Loose Change is a garbage..I can't even call it documentary or film..it doesn't deserve that title. It was done by twenty year old college dropouts who admitted they got the original idea because they thought it would make for a cool work of fiction. From there they twisted facts and misrepresented evidence to get the outcome they wanted, an interesting story.

    None of it is true. You disgrace American heroes by continuing to put forth lies as some kind of accurate statement.

    You speak of "the lies force fed to us about the attacks." This statement is more true than you realize. Unfortunately the lies you're listening to are Youtube videos made my immature children trying to get rich and famous. Even today the director of Loose Change, Dylan Avery, has distanced himself from it and the Truther movement.

    Everyone has their own opinion. My opinion of people who believe the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy committed by their fellow Americans is very low indeed. I understand your anger. Don't let your anger continue to lead you down the path of believing lies.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Loose Change is a garbage...


  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    I posted a clip of a video called "Loose Change 9/11 the greatest lie ever sold" on my page yesterday with this quote, "Dear America, I love you but I don't believe you, sincerely, Independent Thinkers of America" and me and a social buddy went back and forth for hours and ended in pages being blocked and deleted.

    I know we each feel some sort of way about the tragedy. I was told that posting the video that exposes a lot of theories that show who was really involved in the attacks and what was gained by them. It also points out several cover ups and dozens of holes in the explanation given to the general public. I know 9/11 is a day that most chose to grieve or re live the events because media forces you to, but I have lost friends and family behind this selfish act and I refuse to be sad watching all the specials on TV. People grieve differently so instead of crying and being sad I chose to expose the lies force fed to us about the attacks. I was called a douche for not respecting the day. Damn 9/11!!! I HATE that day! My pains and sorrow are not narrowed down to a day, I grieve on holidays, birthdays, every time I open my yearbook or photo albums and realize my loved ones are gone behind an "act of terror" that could have been avoided. I'm not just sad I'm angry, posting the documentary only gave me a place to direct my anger.

    What it boils down to is, some people are insensitive,some people are *kitten*, but they have a right to their opinion, if you don't like it then ignore it.
    I haven't seen the video and have no interest in seeing it. I disagree regardless of the mass media coverage people are going to "relive" 9/11 on 9/11 and everyday of the year as well. Innocent people died that day and people lost their mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters. It was a tragic event that was an act of terror because it did create a fear amongst the American people.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I have actually severed all communication with someone I have known since 4th grade. We both came up from the same grimey, ugly streets of south FL, but somewhere along the line he changed and somehow we became fundamentally different. Our relationship at the end there had become reduced to just Facebook interactions, despite my efforts to renew our old connection and I would then try to understand his perspective. He chose not to do this with me. He had become one of those dumbf***s that I despise because their opinions are so rigid that they can't function in an adult conversation, so I just asked him to stop commenting out of respect for me. And he said something slick in return, so I defriended. Problem solved.

    My motto "We don't HAVE to do this."
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    OMG. I can't believe people still fall for the "Loose Change" stuff. I will refrain from ranting in depth about the responsibility required to objectively consider the sources behind the subjective, and often sensational "information" fed to their audiences by documentary film makers. At the very, very, very least, seek to discover response documentaries before settling on a position. They are often much more objective, even if they can't provide reasonable answers to every point made in the original.

    It just blows me away that so many people can just gobble up documentaries and completely overlook, ignore, or even embrace the blatant bias of the film maker. I guess people will just believe what they want to believe, and be happy to have someone hand those beliefs to them in a nicely packaged 2 hour film. Who cares about the real truth?

    Kapeluza, I'm sorry you're in such a sticky spot with this friend. Like someone else suggested, maybe he doesn't even believe half of what he said, or maybe he does. Either way, there's room for some sensitivity on his part, and maybe your comments to him will settle with him as time goes on. I admire your willingness to be civil with him in your responses, though. I probably would have started that way, but don't know if it would have ended that way.
  • manenuff21
    If I had a friend who said this, I would say that Karma doesn't need to mean a life for a life.

    It's so very sad and needless too that for every person who died in 9/11, another 5 (could even be 10) have since died in conflicts directly resulting from 9/11 and the numbers rise every day. They will never get a memorial.

    finally someone gets my point!!! THANK YOU!
  • manenuff21
    I posted a clip of a video called "Loose Change 9/11 the greatest lie ever sold" on my page yesterday with this quote, "Dear America, I love you but I don't believe you, sincerely, Independent Thinkers of America" and me and a social buddy went back and forth for hours and ended in pages being blocked and deleted.

    I know we each feel some sort of way about the tragedy. I was told that posting the video that exposes a lot of theories that show who was really involved in the attacks and what was gained by them. It also points out several cover ups and dozens of holes in the explanation given to the general public. I know 9/11 is a day that most chose to grieve or re live the events because media forces you to, but I have lost friends and family behind this selfish act and I refuse to be sad watching all the specials on TV. People grieve differently so instead of crying and being sad I chose to expose the lies force fed to us about the attacks. I was called a douche for not respecting the day. Damn 9/11!!! I HATE that day! My pains and sorrow are not narrowed down to a day, I grieve on holidays, birthdays, every time I open my yearbook or photo albums and realize my loved ones are gone behind an "act of terror" that could have been avoided. I'm not just sad I'm angry, posting the documentary only gave me a place to direct my anger.

    What it boils down to is, some people are insensitive,some people are *kitten*, but they have a right to their opinion, if you don't like it then ignore it.

    And here I wasn't going to argue on the internet today...

    Loose Change is a garbage..I can't even call it documentary or film..it doesn't deserve that title. It was done by twenty year old college dropouts who admitted they got the original idea because they thought it would make for a cool work of fiction. From there they twisted facts and misrepresented evidence to get the outcome they wanted, an interesting story.

    None of it is true. You disgrace American heroes by continuing to put forth lies as some kind of accurate statement.

    You speak of "the lies force fed to us about the attacks." This statement is more true than you realize. Unfortunately the lies you're listening to are Youtube videos made my immature children trying to get rich and famous. Even today the director of Loose Change, Dylan Avery, has distanced himself from it and the Truther movement.

    Everyone has their own opinion. My opinion of people who believe the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy committed by their fellow Americans is very low indeed. I understand your anger. Don't let your anger continue to lead you down the path of believing lies.

    I never said I believed it Sir
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'd tell him he was an insensitive jerk (probably not as nicely) and delete him, or at the very least hide him from my news feed so I didn't have to read any more of that crap. But that's just me. I have no time for people who are knowingly and blatantly insensitive. Life's too short to be ticked off.
  • Kaycurrier
    My husband is military also, I have seen messages on here that made me feel the same way,especially because we have freinds that did not come home with my husband because they went to fight after 9/11. My husband has PTSD and some fairly serious injuries as well that has changed everyday of our life snce he came home (he has been 6 times) Thank you to you and your husband! Being a member of the scilent ranks is just as hard and we must stick together!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Thanks for the responses! I feel better about it now although I ended up severing ties with him. It's ok though there are a good 2,000 miles between us so eh! At the end, he cane back and told me the Army brainwashed me and a lot of f@cking ridiculous bull****. It didn't end well, let's just say I ended up telling him of what he was going to die from.
  • Kaycurrier
    lol fabulous, well done! ya I don't want anything to do with ignorant people either, it's a shame we share the same air!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    You can't fix stupid, but you don't have to be friends with it either. Anybody who believes America deserved 9/11 is a complete and total idiot. There's just no reasoning with people like that.

    The thing is, I don't care whether or not you like America. There are things to love about this country, and there are things to hate. But having the kind of hate that allows you to justify killing 3000 innocent people makes you mentally unstable.

    Furthermore, terrorism doesn't target intolerance ... terrorism IS intolerance.