whats wrong with me?

Hi people. This is gunna sound really stupid but i feel that i am over eatting when hitting the 1,300 mark in calories :/ Even tho i exercise i try not to eat those calories back. Days i find it hard to even get to 1,200 calories then other days i feel im going way over. Take saturday,sunday and today. saturday was low i ad 667 calories (upsetting day so food didnt come into mind) yesterday 1,657calories and today 1,496calories even tho im still within calories as ive exercised i just feel that ive done rubbish and ate too much and it really winds me up...

If you wanna feel free to add me as a friend id like that, new people = new ideas :smile:


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I feel like I'm over eating every day! But then I gotta do it if I want to reach my goals.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    You have to eat to fuel your body. Especially if you are doing exercise. I realized I wasn't eating enough calories. I am comfortable with my 1560 a day and well have seen awesome results.
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    When did you start??
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    I eat almost every calorie it says to...and I've seen good results...when i don't, I plateau....
  • Jade1x
    Jade1x Posts: 166
    When did you start??

    I started the 15th of Augest
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Hi people. This is gunna sound really stupid but i feel that i am over eatting when hitting the 1,300 mark in calories :/ Even tho i exercise i try not to eat those calories back. Days i find it hard to even get to 1,200 calories then other days i feel im going way over. Take saturday,sunday and today. saturday was low i ad 667 calories (upsetting day so food didnt come into mind) yesterday 1,657calories and today 1,496calories even tho im still within calories as ive exercised i just feel that ive done rubbish and ate too much and it really winds me up...

    If you wanna feel free to add me as a friend id like that, new people = new ideas :smile:

    It has been drilled into our heads that we have to eat LESS to lose weight. It's really hard to override those mental tapes when we're really motivated to lose. The problem is that science has proven that we need to fuel our bodies in order to function properly and to lose weight.

    We are all trying to get healthy here... weight loss is one happy side effect of being healthier.

    Choose health.

  • I am exactly the same!

    I have an active job - working in a bar, someshifts i clock up 6 hours of constant walking up and down, plus my swimming of 1 hour clocking up 800 cals, so i am burning 1200 cals per day, my daily intake is 1200 anyway so i would have to eat 2400 cals everyday! there is no way i could eat all that or have time to for that matter! and i have done nothing but put weight on!

    this is crazy!!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    There is nothing wrong with you! But you should be at least eating the 1200 a day minimum mark. What do you have your lifestyle set to and how many calories does MFP recommend that you eat? You've kinda yo-yoed the last few days going from 700 to 1700 calories. As far as eating exercise calories there are a lot of opinions but it appears you aren't a big eater so I would suggest don't worry about eating them back and if you are hungry beyond the 1200 then eat, if not hungry then just try to get to where you are reaching the 1200.
  • You are not alone!! I almost always blow it over the weekend and end up feeling badly on Monday. During the week I am on track and working out, then the weekend comes and I find myself on a rampage sometimes. HA!! Day by Day...I was told to not look back and just work out even harder during the week. Gotta stay on track. :)
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    I read on another post here this analogy.....think of your metabolism as a fire burning. If you don't add logs to the fire (fuel) the fire will smolder and go out. If you don't fuel your body, then it doesn't have anything to keep it burning. If you want to fuel the fire to burn those pounds then you must give it the proper amount of fuel, or you will starve your fire.
  • atag2011
    atag2011 Posts: 45 Member
    Amazingly enough, sometimes eating more food aids in a loss! Good luck, and get all of those cals in!
  • I've only been using this site for a while (down 4 pounds already!) but I know what you mean. I weighed about 270 at the start and set my weight loss goal for 2lbs/week, and my goal was set at 1820 calories a day. I do a pretty good job meeting it usually, but one day last week I overshot and had about 2300 calories. I felt like a failure until I did some math in my head and realized that even though I'd passed my goal I was still eating considerably less than I needed to in order to lose weight (I drop 1lb/week at 2320 calories). Since then I haven't felt too guilty about overshooting the mark, as long as I meet it most days and don't fail too heavily on the days I don't meet it.

    Sounds to me like you're missing some crucial information about calories. If you eat below a certain amount of calories your body will actually start to slow down your metabolism in order to conserve energy; it's one of the tricks that your body pulls to keep you from starving if there's no access to food. If you've got days where you're having 660 calories then you're hurting yourself needlessly.

    I think the problem might be that once you saw the magic number (1200!) you decided to treat it as a rule and not a guideline. You decided that anything above that is a failure and anything below it is a success, and the further below it you are, the more successful you are. There's problems with that type of all-or-nothing thinking. If you overshoot it by 100 calories, you're still losing weight, just not as fast. Try not to rush things, and remember to forgive yourself if you have a day that's less than stellar. The only way you can really fail at this is if one day you say "to hell with it!" and then go gorge yourself on cake or something like that. As long as you wake up each day and try to hit around the mark, you'll still lose weight if you go over by 100 or 200 calories.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Over the three days you gave, you averaged 1273 calories per day. Nothing at all wrong with that!
  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    It sounds like have shrunk your stomach so much you think you have eaten a lot when you haven't. 1200 calories isn't enough, anything over 2 pound loss eats into muscle and you end up worse off. I eat 6 meals a day low fat low sugar high protein and bodybuild. Remember it has nothing to do with quantity and everything to do with quality! You should be eating something every 3 hours. My rough schedule is 8am Breakfast, 11am snack meal, 2pm Lunch, 5pm dinner, 8pm supper, 10 pm night snack sounds like a lot but they are small portions of good food. It trains your body to never get hungry so you burn more calories.
  • WOW ! 10 FAIRYWINGS: This sounds awesome - I'm changing my diary schedule because of this post! Thx!

    Re: The calories I do the same I feel like if I go over I had a horrible day - we've all heard it so many times to eat a certain amount. One or two days is fine just don't make it a habit, but our bodies do need fuel
  • Jade1x
    Jade1x Posts: 166
    I would like to thank everyone of you for replying to this post and making me feel better about myself!
    Ive woke up this morning not hating myself about sundays and lastnights food diary. Youve made me realise.
    And another thanks for the friends request :flowerforyou:

    A new day so new start :happy:
    Hope everyone enjoys it!
