Accountability buddy



  • bumpbreakcar
    bumpbreakcar Posts: 191 Member
    Goals this week:

    💎 Complete exercise per program purchase and never used lol
    💎 8k steps each day
    💎 Do schedule household chores daily
    💎 At least 30 minutes of reading/ meditation
    💎 Log all food
  • ladychr0nic
    ladychr0nic Posts: 127 Member
    oooo do you have a chef's plate coupon?? I'm already using HelloFresh but was thinking about trying chef's plate as well for more recipes. It's so fun! It's teaching me how to be confident in the kitchen too.

    So I just had the most horrible weekend. Candy, pop, ice cream, booze....everything under the sun. It was my boyfriends birthday and I'm on vacation for 13 days and I just let loose. I didn't weigh in today because I'm scared. I think I'll have a good day tracking and exercising today and then I'll weigh in tomorrow. I know the scale will be up, but that's okay. I really enjoyed the break and not caring. I know it was super unhealthy and to be honest, I truly feel disgusting. It's amazing how bad food can really make you feel bad as well. I felt SO much better when I felt in control of what I was eating. I'm such a control freak that way.

    Here's to a fresh start and a better week :) I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    @ladychr0nic i pm’d you

    Going alright here. Completed week 1 of step bet. Going to be a busy running around day today. Going to have to try to get in a walk later this afternoon. Heading out shortly and don’t have time for the treadmill today.
  • Kate3479
    Kate3479 Posts: 4 Member
    Anyone following IF here ?
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    @renaegry I love to start the step bet's but I am horrible about completing them. :D

    I am struggling today. The weather is cold again and we might see snow (that depresses me all by itself). I didn't walk this morning and now I feel bad about it. The motivation is just lacking today. But, I am going to make myself get out of my office and walk at lunch. What does everyone do on the days you just aren't feeling it? I know it is just the weather that has me down, but I don't want it to be the start of a downfall.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,349 Member
    @kiay131982, @lrw327 and @drollings2019 - I appreciate all your encouragement through my tedious (self-imposed) decluttering project. I’m looking forward to the day when I describe my situation as you are experiencing it now ... similar to maintenance following a weight loss 😀. If I take the same approach to this project as I did by gradually re-building my wellness and fitness habits after some neglect, my house will feel more comfortable to me. I can’t say it’s feeling good right now but I’m sticking with it a tiny bit at a time.

    I’m impressed by all the runners in the group. I love to run but it’s been a long time since I’ve made a regular routine of it. I’m not sure why... When I get into a regular schedule, it clears my mind, helps me focus on my priorities and lifts my mood. Putting in my sneakers (running shoes) has always been the hardest part of my workouts. Once I pull myself away from work, I could enjoy being active all day, especially outside! I’m going to try to do a better job scheduling “fitness” into my day. @5k_everyday_365 is an inspiring MFP name to motivate me so I’ll try to channel that vision whenever I visit the group! It sounds as though you have an active job so you probably don’t need to run in days you’re tired from the warehouse but good for you for challenging yourself. When I was a waitress, I had to put my legs up to get my circulation going after a tough day but still liked exercise for the stress relief so I can understand wanting to run after a tough work day.

    Congratulations on your fantastic progress @tdsimoes67! If you find the rate slowing down as you get closer to your goal weight, try not to get discouraged. It’s a good sign but it can be tough psychologically in my experience. I’m over the hump of feeling disappointed and now I’m focused on maintaining a steady level of nutrition and fitness that feels comfortable ... and practical. I’d still like to improve my fitness but my goal is now the end of 2021 instead of sooner.

    @bumpbreakcar - Your goals seem really balanced ... Nice! The weather has not worked out well for rowing on days when it fits with my work schedule so I feel as though I’m paying for a program I’m not using, too. Better late than never!! I’m going to have to wake up earlier and row before work in days the weather cooperates... and also get out there in the rain, if it’s not terrible. Windy days can be dangerous so I’ll continue to avoid those and the weather will be more consistent soon. I’m just a bit impatient because our soccer game was also canceled this week. The league didn’t remember to turn on the lights at the field. They mixed up our teams this year to ensure enough women are balanced across the teams so it was nice to meet my teammates and kick the ball around during warm up. Patience ...

    @ladychr0nic - Sometimes it can be surprising to see the calories from a bad day dispersed across the week and you have the right attitude! One birthday celebration or a short vacation won’t make a big difference if most days are balanced nutrition-wise ... onward!

    Thanks so much for checking in, even on such a busy day, @renaegry. It’s always great to hear from you and I’m glad you’re feeling in track!

    Welcome @Kate3479 - I don’t consciously practice Intermittent Fasting (IF) but I kind of naturally eat that way. Most meals are from 8am-6:30pm now because daylight savings time seems to take time to naturally adjust to ... but, typically, I eat between 10 or 11am and 6:30pm and feel better.

  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,349 Member
    @Kate3479 - My understanding is that IF gets easier overtime, as our bodies adjust to the timing. Is that right? @beshamama tried it recently, if my memory is correct, and felt hungry toward the end of the fasting period. Do you have any tips or thoughts? I’ve found that trying to fight sleep leads to eating at night that doesn’t make me feel good and doesn’t help me accomplish the task very well anyway. So, I’m trying to plan better to avoid finishing deadlines into the night but, occasionally, I still fall into the trap. Going straight to bed and tackling the project in the morning works better for me, but I have to feel comfortable that I’ll have enough time to complete the goal. Otherwise, I won’t get enough sleep due to thinking about it too much.

    @drollings2019 - That’s a good question and I’m curious what others have to share regarding their strategies. For me, building the habit - or muscle memory - that makes it a more regular part of my day is what helps. Once I get into a routine, I’m much better at follow through. I have to arrange accountability at first, such as meeting the personal trainer or a friend. Then, I can eventually make it on my own. Sometimes, I’ll tell myself I’ll just drag myself to the gym and follow a more relaxed routine - or even watch videos while using the stationary bike, elliptical machine or treadmill - and I’ll usually get motivated once the endorphins kick in. How did it go for you today?

    If pushing through doesn’t work, maybe my body is telling me it needs a break. In that case, I might take a hot bath and try to stretch so I take care of myself in other positive ways. It will be good to hear other ideas and test out what works for us. I hope you were happy with your outcome, whether you took the day off or walked at lunch. Sometimes a walk in the snow can be beautiful and liberating. Other times, we just need to take a snow day with hot soup for lunch! In Boston, when I was growing up, there was nothing worse than snow in late spring for me! I can take cold, but not when it’s not supposed to be cold!!

    I’d be thinking I could wear spring clothes for Easter (or even St. Patrick’s Day as a bright-eyed teen!) and end up freezing. I just wanted to feel the spring season and wear all the cute new seasonal clothes. It makes me smile to think about that now, but I really do feel your pain today. Be kind to yourself ... and stay warm (if your walk didn’t warm you up)!
  • CaydensMommy
    CaydensMommy Posts: 315 Member
    I could use some accountability buddies myself! I have a lot to lose. :s Anyone please feel free to add me!
  • Kate3479
    Kate3479 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi @PatriceFitnessPal ! Yep that’s correct! I currently do OMAD once a week, I need to graduate to 3-4 times a week, it’s just a matter of time as taking it slow and easy :)

    I have also done 80 hour EFs (nothing but water and apple cider vinegar and Pink salt) and I’ve felt amazing !
  • mrs_dotson18
    mrs_dotson18 Posts: 1 Member
    Kate3479 wrote: »
    Anyone following IF here ?

    I do
  • Mangoperson88
    Mangoperson88 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm 82 kgs. Would like to drop down to 60 kgs. I'd love to add new friends and observe and be a part of their journey!! :)
  • jessphill2020
    jessphill2020 Posts: 37 Member
    Morning everyone!
    I told a MFP member about this discussion group and I’d like to invite her to join. But now I don’t remember which tab I found you guys on. Anyone know how to invite a member to a discussion? I want to invite @ErikaG2085
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal I did okay. I did get a couple walks in on my breaks. Not as much as I wanted to, but I couldn't really walk outside with the snow/rain we had. I had a pretty busy evening and did pretty good with my food, so I felt okay about yesterday. The weather is supposed to be back in the 70's/80's in a few days (I say this as I am watching it snow now). Mother nature is crazy this week!
  • jessphill2020
    jessphill2020 Posts: 37 Member
    Kate3479 wrote: »
    Anyone following IF here ?
    What is IF?

  • CowgooCantAccessHerAccount
    Anyone with a profile pic can add me. I've lost 60 lbs and have 20 lbs to go
  • 5k_everyday_365
    5k_everyday_365 Posts: 12 Member
    @kiay131982, @lrw327 and @drollings2019 - I appreciate all your encouragement through my tedious (self-imposed) decluttering project. I’m looking forward to the day when I describe my situation as you are experiencing it now ... similar to maintenance following a weight loss 😀. If I take the same approach to this project as I did by gradually re-building my wellness and fitness habits after some neglect, my house will feel more comfortable to me. I can’t say it’s feeling good right now but I’m sticking with it a tiny bit at a time.

    I’m impressed by all the runners in the group. I love to run but it’s been a long time since I’ve made a regular routine of it. I’m not sure why... When I get into a regular schedule, it clears my mind, helps me focus on my priorities and lifts my mood. Putting in my sneakers (running shoes) has always been the hardest part of my workouts. Once I pull myself away from work, I could enjoy being active all day, especially outside! I’m going to try to do a better job scheduling “fitness” into my day. @5k_everyday_365 is an inspiring MFP name to motivate me so I’ll try to channel that vision whenever I visit the group! It sounds as though you have an active job so you probably don’t need to run in days you’re tired from the warehouse but good for you for challenging yourself. When I was a waitress, I had to put my legs up to get my circulation going after a tough day but still liked exercise for the stress relief so I can understand wanting to run after a tough work day.

    Congratulations on your fantastic progress @tdsimoes67! If you find the rate slowing down as you get closer to your goal weight, try not to get discouraged. It’s a good sign but it can be tough psychologically in my experience. I’m over the hump of feeling disappointed and now I’m focused on maintaining a steady level of nutrition and fitness that feels comfortable ... and practical. I’d still like to improve my fitness but my goal is now the end of 2021 instead of sooner.

    @bumpbreakcar - Your goals seem really balanced ... Nice! The weather has not worked out well for rowing on days when it fits with my work schedule so I feel as though I’m paying for a program I’m not using, too. Better late than never!! I’m going to have to wake up earlier and row before work in days the weather cooperates... and also get out there in the rain, if it’s not terrible. Windy days can be dangerous so I’ll continue to avoid those and the weather will be more consistent soon. I’m just a bit impatient because our soccer game was also canceled this week. The league didn’t remember to turn on the lights at the field. They mixed up our teams this year to ensure enough women are balanced across the teams so it was nice to meet my teammates and kick the ball around during warm up. Patience ...

    @ladychr0nic - Sometimes it can be surprising to see the calories from a bad day dispersed across the week and you have the right attitude! One birthday celebration or a short vacation won’t make a big difference if most days are balanced nutrition-wise ... onward!

    Thanks so much for checking in, even on such a busy day, @renaegry. It’s always great to hear from you and I’m glad you’re feeling in track!

    Welcome @Kate3479 - I don’t consciously practice Intermittent Fasting (IF) but I kind of naturally eat that way. Most meals are from 8am-6:30pm now because daylight savings time seems to take time to naturally adjust to ... but, typically, I eat between 10 or 11am and 6:30pm and feel better.

    Awe thanks! I'm glad my username helps to motivate others :smiley: And it sounds like you have a very physical job too which is great for staying fit 💛💪 You're very sweet and inclusive and I'm greatful to have met you on here :)
  • lrw327
    lrw327 Posts: 73 Member
    IF is abbreviation for intermittent fasting
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm not a runner (or even a jogger), more of a walk the dog pace kind of girl. But I need to do something to get my heart rate up a little bit. I have a really nice treadmill and was thinking about using the couch 2 5K app that I found. Has anyone used this before? Any suggestions for someone that hasn't really ran before? I don't have any physical ailments that prevent it, I just never liked running but I would like to try.
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey all! Sorry I've been quiet this is picking up and my days are just flying away! I haven't even really had time to track, just making the best choices I can in manic days and spending as much time walking as possible. I'm currently hitting about 15k steps, so that will have to do until the manic restart rush is over!!!!

    @PatriceFitnessPal decluttering is a hard job, especially if it's clutter that has had a long time to build. It's also really therapeutic and after we finished our version of minimising I actually missed doing the process!!! It was so freeing to be rid of things!!!

    @drollings2019 I started the NHS couch to 5k a few times but never finished it...for me the structure wasn't great, it built up slowly and then all the sudden threw in a 20 minute run that I just didn't feel ready for...and I failed on that week every single time. Then I was introduced to Zombies Run! Couch to 5k and I got through the whole programme first time. Loved it! And it kept me engaged!!! And I still run with the zombies a few times a week most weeks... :) so the programmes can work...its just finding the one for you xx