Battling Cancer and staying sober

Good morning everyone and Happy Hump Day. For two years now I have been battling Prostate Cancer Stage 4. Prostate was removed, hormone therapy for a year, radiation for 9 weeks, and now laser surgery due to radiation cystitis (from the radiation therapy from a year ago). Dealing with 2 diseases is extremely hard to deal with, especially when a pandemic hits, but I still managed to deal with treatments, side effects and keep my sobriety (11 years sober on October 10th). Now I do what I can to regain my health. I still have a year or so to go and that is fine. Rome was not built in a day. So for those who are battling any form of ailment be it cancer, diabetes, substance abuse, etc. I created this discussion to send motivation and support for those who are struggling.


  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,090 Member
    Great idea for a thread! 🌟 💕
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    Congrats on your sobriety Sending positive healing vibes your way.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    Congratulations to you! And continued good health!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,829 Member
    Congratulations on all you've achieved, are achieving, will yet achieve: Good show!

    As a 20+ year survivor of stage III breast cancer, and someone who was a cancer widow at age 43 (he was 45), I'm personally in a different spot, but avoiding cancer progression or recurrence (new primary or metastasis) was a motivator for me to change various things in my life . . . some of them later than I should have, but so far I've been lucky.

    I'm wishing you all the rewards of your hard work . . . and also luck.

    All the best!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,542 Member
    Everything changed for me when I quit drinking. It was liberating.
  • healthyfitwannabe
    healthyfitwannabe Posts: 3 Member
    Bless You!

    Ten year Stage III breast cancer survivor here and still on hormonal therapy. Very grateful for the medications and extensive chemo treatments, surgery, and radiation. These have likely kept me alive BUT they have also wreaked havoc with my body and metabolism. As a result have many other health issues to contend with.

    I am now learning the importance of feeding my body healthy meals and my need to move more as well. Losing one or less pounds per week. Turtle pace! But feeling so much better.

    As you journey the survivorship road be kind to yourself and very proud of your continued sobriety. That is awesome! Feed your body and soul well. Hope is powerful!

    With Prayers for Hope and Future,