Who Wants to Join Me on a 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels



  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi guys

    I would like to join you in this too. I've done it before (April/May) and enjoyed it. I go on holiday in 17 days so will be doing the next until then (and then continue when I get back).

    Whay other exercise are you doing?

    I walk/jog with the dogs 5 times per week and also want to continue doing Tracey Anderson Mat workout a few times per week. So my plan is to do it in the morning before work and then I will walk at night (and or Tracey Anderson dvd).

    Good luck.xxxx
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    I'm in! I have been wanting to get started up with this again! I had awesome results last time :)
  • I'm in, hopefully I can get it in every day. I only just started being able to complete the first level, the first two times I tried, it killed my legs, so I switched to Leslie Sansone's 4 fast miles. My stamina and strength in my legs have improved, and having been doing 30DS for a few days now, I can already feel my arms getting stronger because push-ups were almost impossible before (even girly ones!) and now I'm getting much better with it. I haven't taken pictures, but I will do when the husband gets home later.
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    I am going to try this Again. I mentally prepare myself to do 10 days on each level but I have never made it out of level 1 if that tells you anything. I hope I can stick to it this time!

    Starting September 12th @ 164 lbs.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • redhotredneck
    redhotredneck Posts: 118 Member
    Just checking in :) Planning to do day 1, level 1 when I get home from work. :)
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    I am planning on starting this again. I didn't get the results I wanted to the last time I attempted this...think the diet killed all efforts. This go around I am bringing my game :glasses:
    Will get my measurements tonight!
  • Hii :) I plan on starting the 30DS this evening and definitely need the motivation to keep doing it every night after work!

    I'm hoping I can stay on track and get through the levels to see some good results :) Will get measurements and photos tonight before I start.
  • jnlk80
    jnlk80 Posts: 19 Member
    I want to try again. I made it to Week 1 day 9 and gave up...I know pretty lame! Please add me as a friend and motivate me PLEASE!!! I really want to do this but lost my drive somewhere. I also want to start the couch to 5k. I ended this summer on Week 7 day 3. I am not a start and not complete person except for working out. I have a mother in law coming out in November. I want to look and feel my best! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    I would love to join! I started this last week, but the first day kicked my butt. I was sore for 3 days staright. I will start from scratch today after the kids go to bed. Starting weight is 151. I will get measurements and pics although I am afraid to look! :noway: Add me as a friend and we can all support each other! Jillian Michaels here we COME!!!
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    Count me in!! I have it and have started it before but didn't stick it out. I am motivated this time and commited to FINISHING it I'd love to join the group if you all are starting one!!! :)
  • I didnt do it on Thursday, decided to start when you all do :) About to do it NOW. SW: 144 (SEP12) GOODLUCK :D
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    How did we all do? x
  • does it matter if i dont use weights???
    i'll be buying some 4lbs dumbbells this saturday but im starting today? :P
  • joyoungolivia
    joyoungolivia Posts: 85 Member
    ooh can I join? I just downloaded it and am about to do it but would love to do it as a group for some extra motivation and accountability!

    Phew, that was hard, loved it though!! Just hope I can stick with it for 30 days!!
  • I am so in i started it last week made it to day four and got stressed out over personell things at home but im ready to get back on the wagon in the morning sept 13 I love the idea of this group to keep me accountable when it come to 30 day shred she kicks ur butt lol
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Im in. But I started today as well! I will take a B4 pic as soon as I take a shower and look a little less homeless.
  • I'm in...I need to lose 10 pounds:laugh:
  • LaLaMicha
    LaLaMicha Posts: 37 Member
    I just started today. I hope I can do this. Does anyone know how many calories level 1 for 20 minutes burns??? so I can put it in my tracker?
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    does it matter if i dont use weights???
    i'll be buying some 4lbs dumbbells this saturday but im starting today? :P

    Last time I did it I didnt use weights at first (but used 2 tins of soup/beans). I would just start.x
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I just started today. I hope I can do this. Does anyone know how many calories level 1 for 20 minutes burns??? so I can put it in my tracker?

    I just record it as circuit training.x