Vegan group



  • vegrunner
    vegrunner Posts: 42
    Welcome Lara Marie,
    I have had tempeh twice and have not been impressed with it either. I much prefer hard tofu over tempeh. You can find tofu pre seasoned at some health food stores and "natural" grocery stores.

    Seafood is both more humane and healthier than most animal proteins so don't beat yourself up too much. There are plenty of lists online to ensure you're not eating seafood with high levels of contaminants. Often times the ocean the fish are in makes a big difference as well; i.e. Pacific Salmon may be better/worse than Atlantic Salmon.
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    I don't eat much meat or diary, but I do like a bit of milk in my coffee/tea, organic butter on my toast, or some strong cheese crumbled over my salad. How do you replace these in a vegan diet?

    Silk vanilla coffe cream
    Earth balance natural buttery spread
    Haven't found a substitue I like so far I just do without it. Not missed.
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    Do you get the eye-rolling, sighing thing? :laugh:

    No not yet. But I've had some unfortunate circumstances happen.

    There are a few deer hunters that I work with. Eventually it came out that I started eating vegan. Well, my company sometimes provides us with free lunch or barb-b-ques for something special. They do very well to ask what I would like and provide substitutes. A couple of those times the food that was intended for me to eat was eaten by others. Was it on purpose? maybe but what it came down to is that those that ate the vegan food ended up eating less or no animal products. Since I always bring my lunch I did not go with out. I try not to think they did it on purpose. In the end it didn't hurt me any and they ate healthier.
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member

    Here are some of the reasons I think being vegan has improved my health and happiness:

    My tongue felt lighter . As if there were no longer a coating of grease. Any change for you with that?

    That probably sounds weird it was just one of the many changes that sticks out in my head. lol
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    I have had tempeh twice and have not been impressed with it either. I much prefer hard tofu over tempeh. You can find tofu pre seasoned at some health food stores and "natural" grocery stores.

    Try smoked tofu in a stir-fry or something...oh gosh it is soo good! I started eating it raw when I was cooking other things first...(it sounds gross I know, but it is so good!)
  • vegrunner
    vegrunner Posts: 42
    Hey Meg,

    There is a lot of conflicting information out there about soy. At first I thought the estrogen theory was a myth but it is possible seeing that chemicals from polycarbonate plastic can have similar hormone imitating abilities. Mass consumption of soy is relatively recent so moderation seems like a safe strategy. As always go with products that are not genetically modified; non GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). Here are a couple of articles, the second one has a lot of other good info for vegans as well.
  • spiritmi
    spiritmi Posts: 61 Member
    18 years ago when i became a vegetarian, my mother was so upset and constantly telling me that it was not a healthy lifestyle and would be harmful to my health....well, all those years i have been healthy...(overweight, but i am working on the weight issue..gaining the weight was my own fault, way too many carbs)...i recently went to the doctor and had a colonoscopy...i hadn't had to go to a doctor in many years...they were totally amazed that i was 62 and on no medications...i mean totally amazed like it was a strange thing...i think a vegetarian lifestyle is a healthy one...i went through menopause naturally with vitamin e preventlng the hot flashes...i take a b complex, multi-vit, e, c, and digestive enzymes daily...i would love to eventually become vegan but haven't been able to go that route yet...i know, morally, i would be happier if i did...i do use soy milk and free range eggs and i do eat cheese...i applaud those of you who have embraced the vegan way of so glad to see this thread started...blessings and good luck to those of you on your weight loss journey...
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    digestive enzymes daily...

    Someone recently suggested I take these on an empty stomach to dissolve a small cyst in my leg. I haven't done any research on them yet. What are your thoughts?
  • prerana
    prerana Posts: 5 Member
    I'm glad someone brought this topic up!

    I'm not vegan/vegetarian, but my mother is. We're Hindu, but my mother allowed us (me and my brother) to eat meat because she didn't want to limit us too much in a society that tends to be big on meat, especially when you go outside the home. In 5th/6th grade, we chose to stop eating beef and then as a freshman in high school, I stopped eating any pig products. The only meat I eat is chicken, turkey, fish, and shrimp. I rarely eat meat because I grew up in a household that never cooked meat more than once or twice a month. We always ate vegetarian Indian food. Because of that, I never found it difficult to go months at a time without meat. I almost never crave it. I'm considering going completely vegetarian...i'm almost there.

    Indian food is great for vegetarians worried about getting all their nutrients. We go to the grocery store and literally fill up our shopping cart with fruits and vegetables. My mother also likes to buy tofu and mix it with curry and other vegetables. It picks up the flavor quickly and I enjoy it. You get a great deal of protein from lentils and beans.

    The Morning Star brand of frozen food is great. Unlike the stereotypical fake meat food, these foods have a really good taste. I love eating their "sausage links" and chick'n nuggets and buy them quite often among other things.

    I've seen a few posts on how other people seem concerned about your health when you go vegan/vegetarian. Many times, I find that people are not informed enough about the range of nutrition you can get from a vegetarian lifestyle. I've met lots of people that think being vegetarian is bad and it means you eat salads all day, which isn't completely true. They argue a point they don't know much about.

  • vegrunner
    vegrunner Posts: 42
    18 years ago when i became a vegetarian, my mother was so upset and constantly telling me that it was not a healthy lifestyle and would be harmful to my health....well, all those years i have been healthy...(overweight, but i am working on the weight issue..gaining the weight was my own fault, way too many carbs)...i recently went to the doctor and had a colonoscopy...i hadn't had to go to a doctor in many years...they were totally amazed that i was 62 and on no medications...i mean totally amazed like it was a strange thing...i think a vegetarian lifestyle is a healthy one...i went through menopause naturally with vitamin e preventlng the hot flashes...i take a b complex, multi-vit, e, c, and digestive enzymes daily...i would love to eventually become vegan but haven't been able to go that route yet...i know, morally, i would be happier if i did...i do use soy milk and free range eggs and i do eat cheese...i applaud those of you who have embraced the vegan way of so glad to see this thread started...blessings and good luck to those of you on your weight loss journey...
    Welcome Spiritmi,
    I think we are very slowly getting to a point in this society where vegetarian/vegan diets will be more accepted. I think I've mentioned here how a kid could eat fast food regularly and get less grief than going vegetarian. I have yet to hear about a case of a protein deficiency, yet you hear all the time about heart disease. Best of luck to you on your fitness goals and don't forget to keep checking our thread!
  • vegrunner
    vegrunner Posts: 42
    digestive enzymes daily...

    Someone recently suggested I take these on an empty stomach to dissolve a small cyst in my leg. I haven't done any research on them yet. What are your thoughts?

    Welcome Trail Runner,
    That's beyond my expertise. If it was me I would see a dermatologist. I believe in a good balance of alternative medicine and traditional medicine. I do a lot of research on meds, I figure the longer a med has been around, the safer it probably is. Nutrition is one area I don't listen to M.D.s on. They get about a week of nutrition training, I've read it many places and heard it first hand from an M.D. I hope this helps, thanks for posting on the thread:)
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    I agree with you on MD and nutrition.

    I recently had a discussion with my doctor on calcium.

    I said broccoli has calcium.
    he says no
    I said soy has calcium
    He says no.

    Uh, went home and looked it up for certain. Yes doctor they do. I just probably don't eat enough for what I need.

    I found a supplement AlgaeCal Plus. plant sourced calcium. Algae in the ocean I believe. Has calcium and magnesium and 73 trace minerals with vitamins D3 and K2 added.

    I'm not sure how to evaluate whether it is working or not. I'll take it for now.
  • vegrunner
    vegrunner Posts: 42
    Diet so far today:

    Pre-run meal/breakfast:
    Oatmeal w/ 1 tbsp. maple syrup
    Goodbelly probiotic drink
    1 Clif Shot electrolyte gel

    Bowl of brown rice with Bragg's liquid aminos (healthy alternative to soy sauce)
    Cup of refried beans

    Mid afternoon snack:
    Broccoli w/ onions, cashews and canola oil
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    I've been doing my research on soy, and from I have heard and read, I'm not getting an excess amount of the stuff so I'm not going to dwell on it. Soy products are a great meat replacer for me, but I limit that to one serving a day.

    On the whole "eye rolling" thing, I mostly find that people just don't understand. I work at a Mexican restaurant and I closed last night. The other server with me wanted to split something for dinner, and I told him I was a vegan so we'd have to choose wisely. He suggested brisket nachos. I said no Eli, I'm a vegan, I don't eat that. So he said, oh ok, we'll get Blue Goose quesadillas and have them do half with no chicken. I said no silly, I'm a vegan. He seemed baffled, suggested enchiladas, to which I again had to turn down. We didn't split dinner, and I don't think he ever grasped why I wasn't eating cheese.

    My boyfriends dad tried to give me deer jerky after I told him I was a vegan now. He said it was low in fat- which is true, but I reminded him that its high in deer meat, and deer are animals. LOL Its just a foreign concept to some people I guess.
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    I choose not to use honey. For one it is higher on the glycemic index than table sugar and I've heard that the harvesting of honey is pretty inhumane. I'm sure you can probably find more on the internet. Raw agave nectar is a good alternative to honey. Again, good luck eating raw, let me know if you feel better on a raw diet.

    Unfortunately there is no agave nectar where I live (Bulgaria)... Of all the sugars/glucose/fructose offered here honey is the best option as it's all natural product... I have some homemade honey and bought different kinds from a local bee-keeper, I wouldn't buy from a regular store as they are usually not natural honey... When I was younger I had to go to my father's village very often and had to assist by the killing of animals many times (had to help my grandfather wash it and such), which is probably why I quit eating meat so early... One day you hug the little lambs, then you can't really eat them... On the other hand, I have also assisted by collecting the honey and it has not had this effect on me... It doesn't kill the bees and we would always leave part of the honey so they have food for the winter... Actually it didn't even occur my mind before that honey is an animal product... I now frequent a Bulgarian vegan raw foodism blog and the author is really into it, she explains so fine about all the benefits and go me decided to follow her lifestyle... so she prepares all food herself, won't even buy the ready raw nut milks to be sure everything is raw and didn't come from animals... On the other hand, she has so many articles about the benefits of bee products and I started eating them exactly because of reading her comments... It wasn't before someone left a comment about it that I realized bees are actually animals... I have been a bit confused since... It's not like eggs or milk that comes from inside the hen/cow, it's rather pollen from blossom bees collect and they use their saliva to stick it together as far as I know... I don't really have a sweet tooth, so I can do pretty well without sweeteners of any kind... I was trying to get a teaspoon of honey in the morning just because she had recommended it... :ohwell:

    I still haven't found seaweed to add to my menu, they didn't have it at the healthshops and the healthy food departments of the big stores, which is where I found most of the things... Finally found me quinoa today that you also say you like, looks just like millet but not as popular. Any suggestions what to 'cook' with it without cooking it? :smile: The blog girl recommends it too but there are no recipes other than sprouts and one recipe for a vegan sushi that I still have to find me nori for...
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    Are bees animals or insects?

    I use 100% maple syrup for something sweet.
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    Are bees animals or insects?

    I use 100% maple syrup for something sweet.

    well, they aren't a plant, that's for sure... pure maple syrup is not that easy to find and it's darn expensive... :ohwell:
  • shanrock
    shanrock Posts: 15
    Thankyou so much for the input. I am going to have to look up the gardenburgers.
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    Are bees animals or insects?

    I use 100% maple syrup for something sweet.

    well, they aren't a plant, that's for sure... pure maple syrup is not that easy to find and it's darn expensive... :ohwell:

    At this point I don't have an opinion on the bee or honey thing one way or another :indifferent: I just like maple syrup. Yea, it can be expensive. Since I've been on this site I've cut back on it and only use a teaspoon in my oatmeal in the morning. It's lasting longer that's for sure.

    I get mine at Kroger grocery store by the other syrup's if someday your interested. or not, I don't want to come off pushy. just trying to help:heart:
  • spiritmi
    spiritmi Posts: 61 Member
    mego, i know it is sick, but i can't help laughing about the deer jerky and your comments....low in fat but high in deer meat...i guess we have to laugh sometimes to keep our sanity...i remember once my mom invited me to dinner when they were having rock shrimp...i said thanks but no thanks mom because remember i am very allergic to shellfish and besides i am a vegetarian and don't eat it, she said, well can you come cook it for us? gotta love your families...and your boyfriend's family!!!...thank you for giving me a good laugh even though you weren't trying to be funny...blessings to all...this is a great thread...