men men men men men men men men men men

2 1/2 men? Yeah that is about my weight. I've started New Directions Diet Shakes. I'm only eating shakes which is 800 calories a day. it is medically supervised and all. I just gotta say that if I hear one more person say "It is easier for men to lose than women" I'm gonna ______. I won't really do anything. I just know it isn't easy no matter what your gender. I also know that there are a million cliches "It's a lifestyle" no no It is not. It is a means to an end. Then I start the lifestyle. And of course everyone has a story of friends that made it and then gained it all back. Even the doctor cited that the chances are you will regain what you lose. So now that I know that hmmmmm. So I continue my journey and at this point in my life. at this very moment, I choose to lose weight over turkey, pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes at thanksgiving. to quote kermit "It's not easy being green"


  • braymendeeres
    braymendeeres Posts: 4 Member
    It is hard. I have yet to discover WHY I do the things I know are bad. I am an expert at losing weight, keto and exercise. The only bad thing is I am better at quitting and overeating. I know it's very hard but still not hard enough to change for long. My struggles with weight are like watching a movie where the hero doesn't believe he has the power to do things and doesn't try. Like Harry Potter or Neo in Matrix. I just dont seem to care or get it. A new addition to my bag of tricks is age. I always thought people were full of BS when they said it's like someone flipped a switch at 50 and it's harder to lose or easier to gain weight. Well 55 is my magic age. My muscles are weaker, fat is going places I've never seen and my *kitten* keeps shrinking. There is nothing there to hold up pants or shorts. I get it, it's not easy to do a lot, not just being green! So for now I am an expert dolling out great advice but never taking it. Only when you get your "demons" figured out will you ever get ahead of this avalanche. For me the easiest and best cheat is keto. You can eat satisfying (to your stomach) and break the rules of all other diet habits. Get a good keto book and read it. Plan ahead and prepare for eating and get rid of your temptations. Learn your triggers! Don't let yourself fail by things like" I've already blown in, I might as well start tomorrow " I only know these things because I am these things. You can do it. I did and lost 90lbs but allowed my father's death to be my excuse. I remember how good it felt at his visitation because I looked pretty good and did not seem like loser. Use a food diary, measure food and be honest about portion size. It is so easy to assume a portion then not understand why you are not losing as much as you should. You can do it. Yes you are eating shakes as kind of a gimmick (jus just like keto) but what you have to do is to plan phase 2. The maintenance phase. You have to learn to adapt your eating to sustainable levels. For keto it is a lifetime of checking labels and cutting carbs way back. Carbs are the ("devil"). They addict you like drugs and lure you to the dark side. Again, you can do this. You just have to take a good long look at yourself and it has to finally hurt enough to help you learn and modify your behaviors. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • braymendeeres
    braymendeeres Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, old post. I hope you're still out there. It was good to pen my thoughts. No need to beat me up on the old post, I'll do it myself!
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    Your value is not defined by what you weigh. Who you are is more than that.

    Think of your body as a loaned shell that someday you will return. Return it in as best a condition as you can.