I'm 22 and feel kinda lost and have no motivation and looking for someone to keep me on track

I am 22 and do nothing but eat junk food, drink, play fifa and thats about it. I am not fat at all but not skinny and want to get healthier but just can never find the motivation.


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,401 Member
    A very heretic question: What do you want us to do? We can say: just do it. But you still have to do it. You have to find out what motivates you. Doesn't matter if it's a wakeup call because you're sick, or you get to play 10 minutes of Fifa for every 1000 steps walked.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    As usual, I'm with @yirara. So unless your player is like 99 in FIFA and you're a pro gamer, then why not go outside to actually play soccer? 🤷🏿‍♀️

    People have lost weight eating "junk food" but I'd posit it's not ideal. As for drinking, if it's a problem in your life then you'll want to consider professional help and community supports like AA.

    Sounds like you'd do well with a mentor in your life. Perhaps see if you can connect with someone whose fitness level you admire and chat 'em up.

    All the best to you and stay outta the "friend zone" 😉
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    You have allowed yourself to be diluded and distracted from actual life and real interaction. If you cannot limit your gaming activity you should get rid of it.

    You may find someone who can give advice or help you with accountability but ultimately it is only you who can change your hearts desire. You need to find something else that you are passionate about and pursue that instead.

    Physical, Intellectual, Spiritual or emotional (artistic not a relationship)

    You need to rediscover yourself and what real life is.

    Focus on the new passion and monitor gaming or elimate it.

    Good luck!

    BTW I did it. I was addicted to Racing games until I was 40 years old. So much damage..... Do it now, do it starting today. And make the decision everyday. For a long time it was a daily decision to be present.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,521 Member
    Let me also encourage you to give yourself a break, acknowledging that the last year has been very difficult for young people. It's a bit harder for older people like me to remember that social interactions are key to good mental health, and in your 20s this means interactions with friends (whereas, as you get older, it's more about family). Codgers like me barely noticed any difference when the quarantine started, except that I didn't have to actually drive to work every day. (sweet!)

    But, things are opening up now, and as activities become available, I hope you can find some that you really like. I remember that I got into a couple of amateur sports in my 20s that drove my interest in physical health and were also highly social. For me it was cycling, swimming, rollerblading, and windsurfing, but it could be anything. Team sports are the best, from a social POV. @MaltedTea gave the great suggestion of joining an actual soccer team.

    Best of luck!
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    Just gotta find your "why" to help motivate you. And maybe you aren't ready to make changes yet. I was skinny fat for most of my 20s and it was a slow evolution to get into fitness, and even slower to get into healthy eating. I play a lot of games too, mostly RPGs, there is nothing unhealthy about having a stationary hobby. My husband, also a gamer, got into fitness by setting up a stationary bike in front of the tv and cycling while he played. It distracted him from the "ugh" of exercising, let him keep playing stuff, and he ended up losing over 50 lbs just by doing that.
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    edited April 2021
    Most of here needed some kind of kick in the butt, a-ha moment, wake-up call, whatever you may call it to get us to really commit to getting healthier/losing weight. Nobody can do that for you. Nobody can "motivate" you to stick to it. You have to have this internal fire that gets you to commit no matter what people around you say or do.

    Go find that internal fire.