Somewhat New...

Hola! Call me Jim.

I started in on this site about 2 weeks ago. My weight capped over the summer at about 279 pounds and I realized that I was at a crossroads; I could continue living mindlessly and let my weight continue to grow until I had a heart attack, or I could start caring about myself and what I put into my body. I chose the second one.

I'm down 17 pounds since I started trying to lose weight, 4lbs of which I've lost since signing up for this site just two weeks ago. The calorie counter is great, and the ability to take foods and group them together into meals which you can post in one click is brilliant; I'm a bit of a habit eater (I find one thing I like and then stick with it for several days) so the ability to record full meals on the site makes life so much simpler.

My target weight is 200. After I hit that I'll decide whether 200 is good enough or if I want to shoot for 190 or 180 instead. As I approach 200 I'll start to concern myself more with muscle and fitness, but for now I'm content to just sit here and count for a while. 62.4 pounds to go!



  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    welcome aboard and good luck to you. Getting your nutrition right is more than half of the battle. I lost my first 21-23 pounds just by changing my eating habits and not doing any exercise. I added exercise after that (April) and increased the intensity of the exercise later on (June).
  • cjhorton84
    Thanks for the reply. Originally I felt kind of daunted when I realized that I had to lose about 90 pounds to reach my goal, but after the success of the past two months I've realized that this is definitely something I can do. I don't even feel like I'm depriving myself of the things that I enjoy. It's amazing how much of a change you can make just by being aware of the calories you're taking in.

    Any tips on exercising? When I resolved to get healthy I realized right away that weight loss was only a small part of the equation. I've come to believe that fitness is much more about what you can do with your body than how much it weighs, and in the next month or so I'm probably going to start exercising to increase the kinds/amount of physical activity I can do.
