Dance nerd

So....I'm addicted to Dance Central, and Zumba on the Xbox, if anyone wants to play with me send me your gamer tag!

Mine is RelicGoddess


  • Tahru
    Tahru Posts: 58
    Dance Central.
    I love that game.
    too bad my friend has it, and not me D:
    I want Dance Central..!
    And a Kennect!
    and an xBox for that matter.
  • Dance central is the best! I'd play ya but I can't right now bc I'm in training for a marathon. That may sound weird to some but I get so into the dance moves I end up tearing my calf muscles apart and that is not good when you have to run the next day. However - totally prooves it's the best work out ever! And so much fun!
  • Broken_
    Broken_ Posts: 172 Member
    I Love DC, but I don't have XBox Live Yet. :( Bummer!
  • I have the free one, do i need to update to gold to compete?