Tired of being a gamer stereotype!



  • Have you heard of nerdfitness.com? The guy who runs it (Steve Kamb) was the scrawny kid in high school and has become dedicated at living a healthy life style and building muscle and has a website that gives you tips on it whilst linking it to 'nerdy' topics. It makes everything so much more fun when you take his tips of looking at life like a RPG or using his Tolkien guide to fitness. It's definitely a website that's changing the stereotypes of gamers and nerds.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Have you heard of nerdfitness.com? The guy who runs it (Steve Kamb) was the scrawny kid in high school and has become dedicated at living a healthy life style and building muscle and has a website that gives you tips on it whilst linking it to 'nerdy' topics. It makes everything so much more fun when you take his tips of looking at life like a RPG or using his Tolkien guide to fitness. It's definitely a website that's changing the stereotypes of gamers and nerds.

    Omigosh I love it. I'll send it to my SO so many they'll get the hint to join me too! :3
  • Welcome!!

    I too am an ex Wow Raider/arena junkie! I went from a size 8 to a size 16. Now I'm a gym rat/mfp junkie.. add me if ya like :)
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    How lovely to click on a random topic and see Anders! :smile: I needed that.

    I'm a gamer, too (worked in the industry for 5 years!), and a big time nerd, and I also like to encourage people, so feel free to add me if you want another cheerleader!

    If you've played WoW seriously, then you definitely have the tenacity to grind away the pounds IRL. You might be the type of person who benefits from setting lots of mini-goals with carrots at the end of it. Applying aspects of game design to real-life behaviours can be really successful for folks like us, and I'm definitely going to check out that nerdfitness.com site now because it sounds awesome.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Thanks so much for all the support and opennness to the community, I am so excited now to loose weight and live a heailther life stily 030
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I look at calorie counting as a game. I want to get good scores, which motivates me to work out and eat better!

    I'm playing D&D tonight. I will have lots of fruit and veggies for most of the snacks, with a little more indulgence-type snacks as well (chips and hummus, cheddar pop corn, maybe some kind of natural chocolate candies). And zero calorie all natural soda (Zevia) from Whole Foods :)
  • I'm a DC and Zumba nerd. Also, I love old school SF and Marvel vs. Capcom. Dont tell nobody else :P