30 Something Moms HC Wk 1 - CLOSED GROUP



  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member

    I'm new at this so I'm sure I'm not doing the best job running this group. Hopefully by the next challenge I will have the hang of the best way to do things. Feel free to make suggestions.

    As for me, I've lost 7 POUNDS! I'm in shock! I usually do lose a lot the first week of dieting but NOT this much!
    So, HAPPY DANCE! :laugh:

    P.S. You're doing a great job! AND you deserve to do the happy dance. Great job!!!!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i'm not sure how i would do the miles thing. i do 25 minute exercise dvd (30 day shred) everyday. i have no idea how to make that equivalent. any thoughts?
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    Los Angeles is approximately 2800 miles from New York. There are 24 members in this group. What do you think about us "walking" across the country. I've broken it down like this. 2800 / 24 = 116.66. So each member will walk, run, jog, bike, hike whatever 117 miles in the next 7 weeks. On a 7 day schedule that amounts to about 2.5 miles per day. I know that some will do more and some will do less throughout the challenge but we will track every mile from every person and see if we can make it across the country as a team. Every week I can post a map showing how far we have gotten. Do you prefer a destination of NY or LA?

    That sounds great! Walking is a challenge for me because of our home schedules. (there are 6 of us) But the weather is turning great here and it's a perfect time to get out!

    As a suggestion, perhaps we could have a standard format for checking in on Mondays with the weekly challenge to follow. Example:

    (this would be mine for today)

    Starting weight: 197
    Current weight:197
    Difference: 0 (had a bad week)
    Goal: -15lbs
    Weekly Challenge: Drink more water...Walk 2.5+ mile a day

    What do you think?
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Lovethe idea of the weekly check in as opposed to daily. And Love the Posting thing since I want to lose weight but am really lacking in my drive to do it. I have lost and gained the same five pounds since about this time last year. But I do Zumba 2-4 days a week and all my clothes fit much better so I can take that into consideration too right :)
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    Alright the mapping adventure sounds like fun. Here is my breakdown for the day

    Spinning: 3.1 miles
    Elliptical: 1.81 miles

    Total miles 4.91 miles.

    Tomorrow will be different as I have 2 exercise classes in the evening and 1 weight class at lunch.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I weigh on thursdays if thats OK. I usually don't have a problem drinking tons of water, I think 11 was my highest so I'll reach for 13!!! =)
  • LadyFriday
    :love: 30 SOMETHING MOMS :love:

    WLG -10
    LTD -2
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -10
    LTD -2
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -5
    LTD ?
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -5
    LTD ?
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -8
    LTD ?
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -4
    LTD ?
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -15
    LTD ?
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -10
    LTD ?
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -?
    LTD ?
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -10
    LTD -0
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -15
    LTD -0
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -10
    LTD -0
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -15
    LTD -7
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -5
    LTD ?
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -5
    LTD -0
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -5
    LTD -2
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -8
    LTD -1.2
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -10
    LTD ?
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -8
    LTD -2
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -5
    LTD -0
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -16
    LTD -1
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -15
    LTD -3
    WAA Miles -

    WLG -15
    LTD -?
    WAA Miles -

    *WLG - Weight Loss Goal
    **LTD - Loss To Date
    ***WAA Miles - Walk Across America Miles

    It's 14 Weeks until X-mas (well, Dec 19th). Let's extend the Walk Across America to then. I'm thinking this group will have a second challenge for Nov and Dec then break and start a 3rd Challenge in January. I'm hoping you ladies are in for the long haul. :glasses: So if all 23 members participate, each member will need to walk, run, jog, bike, hike, crawl, whatever 122 miles in the next 14 weeks. You can break it down anyway you want. If you are planning to use your aerobics classes as your walking then you could use a pedometer to track how far you go. If you know it will be too cold in Dec then you may want to walk more now that the weather is nice. There are also treadmills, elipticals, even walking videos you do at home in front of the TV. So, no excuses. :noway: Oops, I think my Drill Sargent side is showing. Track your miles for the week and post them along with your weight loss on Mondays. Thanks!!!

    PS I'm keeping a spread sheet with everyone's goal and loss for each week. I am NOT tracking starting weights or current weights so please post you total for specific week only. Thanks!

    PSS Everyone is responsible for tracking their own water. I will not be tracking this either, but if you meet your goal you can brag about it. :happy:
  • LadyFriday
    Please let me know if you would like to participate in Walk Across America or not. Thanks!
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    My LTD is 6 pounds. I weighed in today and stayed the same. :-(
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    When I did the row your boat challenge a couple of months ago we would take the total burned calories for the day & divide that by 50 miles. Also sometimes there was double, triple & quadruple exercise calories. So for those days those calories that we burned would be x2, x3, or x4. It was fun!

    Also I did 4.91 miles yesterday so you can add that to mine! Are you going to keep a master chart for each and everyone's miles that they do?
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Please let me know if you would like to participate in Walk Across America or not. Thanks!

    Definitely! Totally count me in! I bought a pedometer yesterday and I'm ready to go!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    When I did the row your boat challenge a couple of months ago we would take the total burned calories for the day & divide that by 50 miles. Also sometimes there was double, triple & quadruple exercise calories. So for those days those calories that we burned would be x2, x3, or x4. It was fun!

    Also I did 4.91 miles yesterday so you can add that to mine! Are you going to keep a master chart for each and everyone's miles that they do?

    Is there a way to calculate minutes of brisk walking into miles? I walked for an hour yesterday before I bought my pedometer. Not sure how many miles that translates into. (it was about 20 city blocks)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    You need to know how many calories you are burning. As an example..I burned just over 1500 calories. so 1500/50 = 30 miles. Mind you since yesterday was a cardio day it was easier to see how many miles I did. Today its 3 exercise classes so I am sure that it will be different.
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    I'm definitely in for the walking challenge. Pedometer is on my "to buy" list for this week!

    Today, I did a mere 1 mile of elliptical-ification, and 30 minutes of weights. I don't really think weights should count towards my miles for the day. Hopefully I can talk the hubby in to a long walk tonight after dinner!

    Holy cow Pammy... How do you manage to burn so much and find time to do everything that needs to be done for the day? You're a superhero!!
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    Holy cow Pammy... How do you manage to burn so much and find time to do everything that needs to be done for the day? You're a superhero!!

    Luckily I have a gym downstairs at work, so my lunch is at the gym - Monday to Friday.I also have 3 kids, so I pick up the kids from daycare, go home and make a sit down dinner for my family. And then I go back to the gym for about an hour and a half. I have an amazing hubby who gives me some "me" time. The weekends, I don't always go to the gym but it depends on whats going on.

    Also I have a hear rate monitor with a chest strap so it is very accurate for my calorie burn.
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Also I have a hear rate monitor with a chest strap so it is very accurate for my calorie burn.

    What kind of HRM do you have? I'm looking into buying one but not sure where to start.

    There's a bike path 2 blocks from my house. I measured the mileage on my way home yesterday and it's 1.5 miles one way. So, today i packed the babies into the stroller and we went for a three mile walk. it was awesome! i don't think I've walked that far at that pace since high school (probably not even then :]) I feel great and can't wait until tomorrow!
  • LadyFriday
    Hey! Only have a second but wanted to answer a couple of questions.

    Yes, I will be keeping a chart of everyone's miles BUT only their weekly totals. Our week will run Monday through Sunday. So, just keep track of your mileage for the week and report the total next Monday.

    For example - Pammy's Monday miles will be added to the remainder of the miles she accumulates this week and put up on next Monday's weigh in.

    You ladies are doing a great job! Keep up the excitement and great work! Mom's Rock!
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    Hey loves, last week I only lost 2 lbs BUT I am proud of my self I am on target with water YAY
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    I have a Timex Ironman Easy Runner Heart Rate Monitor with Chest Strap. I think I paid $117 for it on sale.
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Pammy, I definitely admire your devotion! I should really do stairs at work or something like that... I feel like I'm always stuck behind my desk!
  • Biancalee76
    I'm in for the walking challenge!