An Open Letter to My Loves...

Dear MFPeeps:

Thank you for being there for me; both my friends and not-yet-friends. Also, thank you for being here for me when you didn't even know I needed you. If I could replace irritation with laughs from you guys, I'd be a size something less than this in no time flat. I love to make people laugh and I often hide my sadness/frustration/what-have-you and don't ask for help when I need it. So to those friends of mine who made me laugh today, thank you because without those laughs I surely would have stuffed my face with anything I could get my hands on. Because you made me laugh I could concentrate on work and make money today when otherwise I would have sulked and given in to the "bad" foods. I did, however, stay away from the boards like crazy because it's a nuthouse out here sometimes, and I was too deep in my own crap to seek out you awesome people who arent my friends but are so damn motivational that you help me.

So this should have been a blog, but I just wanted to give a shout out to all of you - you know who you are; my friends, those positive souls out here on a random message board, those quirky goofs that I can relate to randomly -- all of you saved me from my misery today so thank you. I appreciate you very much.

cm2two (formerly, crazymama2two -- and the name says it all)



  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Wuv you. . . Hey when life gives us the "one-two punch" sometimes we just have to take some much needed "ME" time. . so I say good for you. . .

    Much love. . glad to see you back. . huggles.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Glad your better
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Hey you! I see you EVERYWHERE! Sorry you had such a harsh day! Hope that the love of all of your MFP Fam will make tomorrow better! xxoo
  • Biglovelovesme
    Biglovelovesme Posts: 133 Member
    I am not one of your peeps..but hope to be at some point. Laughing makes all the difference. I really enjoy reading your posts..your humor and candor are refreshing. Humor gets me through everything. I can guarantee u that your peeps appreciate the recognition and adore you.
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    Well darn it, I wasn't here for you today (sorry!) but it's an opportunity to tell you how I adore you. You always make me laugh my blues away.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    :heart: :heart:

    Love you Twinny
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,335 Member
    Sorry that work kept me completely away today and then had kid's school stuff after. Left 9th grader's school open house to go pick 6th grader up from football practice. That's where I am now.

    Glad you're bettter, Sweetie! I'll have to owe you one "cheer-up". Love ya! **big bear hugs**
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Big sloppy kisses!!!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    You know how much I worship and adore you, butjust in case you forgot

    *throwing out big hugs and sloppy kisses* I think you rock and I'm glad I found you on here!!
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    iloveyouguyssosuperextramuch. *muah*
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
  • Daisy374
    Daisy374 Posts: 539 Member
    :heart: :heart:

    Sorry I wasn't here much for you today.... can't get on here much at work... :grumble:

    Hope everything is better ***hug***
  • Camarasaurus145

    Remember this goes both ways too, we are all super lucky to have you ya know! I am so glad I've been able to get to know you!
    Love you sweetness!!
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    So glad you found comfort in your friends today!! That's what we are here for :)