The Master Cleanse...



  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    You weigh 130 lbs and are 6' tall you are already severely underweight at a BMI of 17.6.

    Agreed! You don't need to lose anymore weight.. the exact opposite.

    By your measurements, you would be doing even more harm to your body -- could be even fatal if not careful.
  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    I would just add some Psyllium Husk (Trader Joe's sells it as Secret of the Psyllium) and Probiotics (pill form or Yakult yogurt drink) to your current diet.
    The will detox you just fine. Plus as other posters have said you at a good weight now. No reason to strave yourself for little or no benefit. Last thing you need is to deprive yourself of food.
    Do that a week a month or when for a few days whenever you feel bloated.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    Waste of money. If you have to "cleanse" toxins out of your body, then you have an issue with your liver and kidneys.
  • greatginew
    I've started the Master Cleanse Diet today. I did a bunch of reading online & it's likely not the best way to lose or keep off weight. but...I have a friend & she saw good results. Although, she doesn't have the same muscle mass I have. I think that's my greatest concern - losing muscle mass. I just find it very hard to believe that my body will start "eating" my muscle when there's extra fat to use - I wish I knew more about how that worked...Your body burns, sugar then carbs then fat then muscle rite?
    I'm following the Ease In Phase of the Master Cleanse so today I'm only eating organic "living food" which is to say the most expensive fruits & veggies @ the grocery store. So far I feel pretty normal. We shall see what tomorrow's juice/broth/soup day brings...
    More to come...
    E :~}

    Well, I made it thru day 1 of the ease in & I feel somewhat headachey, but I'm fighting a headcold so that could be a factor. I have felt hungry @ times throughout the day, but I had a supply of "living food" with in snacking distance

    ps I weighed 161 this morning I'm 5'6"