My Name Is Jennifer and I have just joined this website.

Today was my first day starting this diet and so far it is going good. I would love to know any adive or support anyone has to offer.


  • Be reasonable with your goals. Too many people set initial goals so high that they discourage themselves and give up. Take one day at a time, find a friend to exercise with (and join you here) and you will succeed.
  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
    Record EVERYTHING you put in your mouth!! This will keep you from grazing, a bite here, bite there! Watch more than just calories. Look over the whole thing regarding intake. Watch fats sugars carbs and sodium. Sodium makes you retain water and gain weight. Exercise often! Build muscle. Muscle burns more fat!! If you have an off day its ok, the sun will rise again tomorrow!! Good luck, feel free to add me as friend if you want!!
  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
    Be reasonable with your goals. Too many people set initial goals so high that they discourage themselves and give up. Take one day at a time, find a friend to exercise with (and join you here) and you will succeed.

    definitely be reasonable with your goals. set many small goals, this will get you to your long term goal in a less frustrating manner!!
    good advice!!:smile:
  • Ur gonna love it. Its been a week and i already lost 5 pound. It really works :)
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I am about 2 weeks in but I have learned one thing - you have to count everything you eat. I have started entering food I want to eat before eating it so I can see what the damage is. If the damage is too bad, I just delete and try another until I find something that is diet friendly but taste good. Whether I lose of not, this site is really helping me to see why I gained in the first place. I am going for the steady stable 1 pound a week and so far I am on track. Good Luck
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Hi Jennifer,
    I'm Sondra! My first bit of advice is to not call this a "diet" but a new way of life for yourself. Diets fail you. This is a great way to stay on track while you gradually learn to make healthier choices. Take it one day at a time, Ask lots of questions, Set reasonable goals and dont think you've failed when you make a mis-step. Just get up, dust yourself off and get back onboard!
    Id love to help support you if youd like to add me as a friend. Blessings to you, Jennifer!