Back after having two incredible little boys!!!

Well my oldest is 17 months and my youngest if 5 months so been pregnant pretty much for two years and now with it done and over with it's time to get back to me. I'm constantly busy running around doign something I also start back in softball this week so looking forward to that. It took me awhile to get back to working out and eveyrthing cause had some difficulty recovering after the second one but now fully released so looking to shed the weight. Going to be honest never had to lose weight before well no more than 10, you know the crunch before bikini season as they'd say so I knwo this is goign to be tough. I have never had to work out on my own and rely on myself for motivation so this will be different but I know will over come that and get to a more healthier me.


  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Congrats on your two boys!! Feel free to add me for support and/or motivation. :)
  • knitsteve
    Congrats :) Once the boys are old enough, I doubt you'll be working out alone :wink: