
Hello peeps!

Just a quick message to say and to give myself a quick introduction....

I'm Hayley, I'm 30 years old and I'm from Nottingham.

I've joined this site to give myself a little boost and to help keep a eye on what exercise I do.

I've recently been told I've got type 2 diabetes and I want to get myself into shape so that I can have a healthier future and so that I can keep my diabetes under control.

Any tips would be greatly accepted!



  • deisha
    deisha Posts: 122 Member
    Hello Hayley.

    This site will help to keep you on track.

    Good luck.

    Deisha x
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and good luck on your weight loss journey!! You will find lots of encouragement, support and amazing people on here. It is a great community to be a part of!!
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and good luck on your weight loss journey!! You will find lots of encouragement, support and amazing people on here. It is a great community to be a part of!!
  • hi hayley....im tj from notts also......
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi, diagnosed type 2 diabetic last April. By june was put on to tablets. (did not want that) So I tried even harder with food and exercise. Joined here last November. February taken off tablets, diabeties now controlled by diet and exercise. This site has helped me to lose weight, keep regular exercise and to eat healthy and wise.
    I try to eat wholefoods, fresh, low Gi, and I eat 6 to 7 times a day. Every couple of hours. I aim to exercise every day. There is always the odd day that gets so busy it doesn't happen.