I was 246 pounds I’m losing it im 212 now

I was 246 pounds I used to be in great shape several times in my 20s I was a kick boxer I trained 3 hours a day in my 30s I got in shape working out twice a day but I’ve always struggled with my weight after my kids was born anyway I’m determined and I work out 1-2 times a day 1 day rest plus my fitness app I’m just interducing myself and tell y’all little bout me in my life now ..thanks


  • babygtbck14
    babygtbck14 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello! I’m in the same boat! I was in good shape until my late 20’s. I’m 52 now and my highest weight was 250. I’m on a medically supervised diet that is hard as hell but nothing was working so my dr suggested it. I have thyroid issues and after a medical scare ( diverticulitis poked a hole in my intestines) I could not eat food for three months. I lost a lousy 10 pounds. Finally my drs believed me that I just wasn’t cheating and saying I was dieting.I also walk my dogs 3 miles a day and didn’t lose. I’m down to 230 now and just started the middle of April. Good luck on your journey. I’m trying not to eat so I’m keeping myself busy by writing on here lol