Turbo fire or P90X?

I can only afford one of these, which one should I get? I'm used to doing Jillian Micheals workouts. I have naywhere from 30 to 60 minutes a day to workout depending on the day.



  • DisneyMommy
    It would depend on your goal. If you are looking to lose more weight I'd say go with Turbo Fire since it's mostly cardio. If you are close to your goal weight and just want to tone, P90X will work for that and of course you can still lose weight with P90X too. Personally I LOVE TF and highly recommend it. Chalene Johnson is more my type of instructor over Tony Horton. For some reason he bugs me, LOL.
  • shellbell525
    Personally I love turbo fire and never could get ion p90x. Also if you are able to get the delux version the program can be extended for 20weeks. There are strength training work outs included too.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Make sure that you are ready for P90X it is pretty intense! I was looking into purchasing it after doing 30 day shred and was told to look into P90 and work my way up to P90X. I am telling you this because a friend of mine bought P90X and found it very difficult and it sits on a shelf (pretty expensive dust collector) and she is back to Jillian Michaels DVDs.
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    I can only afford one of these, which one should I get? I'm used to doing Jillian Micheals workouts. I have naywhere from 30 to 60 minutes a day to workout depending on the day.


    My wife is currently doing Turbo Fire and loves it. It is a high Itense Cardio program that if you follow the program and have a good nutrition plan, you will see amazing results. After Turbo Fire, if you want to kick it up another notch, the do P90X...
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    P90x is tough!
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    Make sure that you are ready for P90X it is pretty intense! I was looking into purchasing it after doing 30 day shred and was told to look into P90 and work my way up to P90X. I am telling you this because a friend of mine bought P90X and found it very difficult and it sits on a shelf (pretty expensive dust collector) and she is back to Jillian Michaels DVDs.

    I agree that P90X is a very intense program and you need to be ready to progress to P90X. But I have had a few friends who wanted to do P90X and wanted to get in shape for it and tried Power 90 (P90) and got bored with it real fast. I would suggest if you want to get ready to do P90X, maybe try Cha-LEAN Extreme. It is a weight training based program with some good cardio and it will kick your butt and get you ready to do P90X. Also, one thing to keep in mind is that P90X, even though it is intense, it is a go at your own pace. I have known many people who did the first round of P90X by doing only half of the workouts because they had to take breaks. After the first 90 days, they saw great results and were in better shape than they began and started another round of P90X and was able to keep up and do the program 100%...just a thought.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    I love love love Turbo Fire! This is the first time I have EVER stuck to anything. I'm in the middle of week 6 and lovin' every minute of it! Can't wait for my next workout. The music is great, the energy is great, and Chalene is a wonderful motivator! I think if you have a heart beat you will LOVE these workouts!!!!! Have fun! And stick to the program.
  • fitcounselor
    fitcounselor Posts: 53 Member
    They are completely different. In fact, I'm doing a hybrid of the two of them now and just wrote about it on my blog. TurboFire is intense cardio, including high impact interval training, while P90x uses mostly strength (unless you do the lean program, which is where I started). For me it comes down to the trainers. You have to be motivated by not only the workout, but the trainer to stick with anything for 90 days. I hope this helps. Best of luck!
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    sounds Turbo fire is more for me. How long are the workouts? Most days I have 35 minutes to work out.
  • brittbergh
    brittbergh Posts: 130 Member
    Turbo fire a the way I'd you wanna lose weight, P90x if you are going for strength!

    I'm a turbo fire junkie myself. Just started week 6 and I love it, every day i love it! So far on tf I've lost 12-15 pounds ;-)
    I love it.

    Longest workout in the regular box is 55 minutes. It's the fire 55ez...in the advanced is longer...I plan on doing the ad ancestry when the time comes
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    I still need to lose alot of weight so Turbo fire it is....now to round up $120 plus ,lol