
I'm tired of always feeling hungry, I don't want to overeat as well so I don't know how to go about this. I already drink around 8 cups of water a I don't think it's lack of water..

Also, does gum make it worse??


  • char63
    char63 Posts: 38 Member
    Im the same, always hungry. I just went out for a 20 min walk to forget about food. Its so hard, try to keep your mind occupied on something else, thats what I do.
  • kyleskrinak
    kyleskrinak Posts: 17 Member
    Boy if this isn't the heart of the battle. There's many physiological and psychological triggers for hunger. The trick for me is knowing real physical hunger from the psychological one. (Said as if I had that one nailed) What works best for me is my daily priority task list: stuff I *really* need to get to. On my better managed task-organizational days, I also have a better eating record.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Just a suggestion... take a look at your foods that you are eating... use the note area and make notes of when you are feeling the most hungry and look at what you ate earlier. You may be eating too many carbs at one meal that may leave you hungry. I have discovered that I need to balance my carbs and proteins in a meal. If I don't either eating proteins way over carbs or visa versa I feel famished. It's just a suggestion... we are all just human lab experiements here - but have found that helps me tremendously.:bigsmile:
  • Just a suggestion... take a look at your foods that you are eating... use the note area and make notes of when you are feeling the most hungry and look at what you ate earlier. You may be eating too many carbs at one meal that may leave you hungry. I have discovered that I need to balance my carbs and proteins in a meal. If I don't either eating proteins way over carbs or visa versa I feel famished. It's just a suggestion... we are all just human lab experiements here - but have found that helps me tremendously.:bigsmile:

    Haha thanks I'll take that into consideration...thats possible. I have been consuming pastries lately....I know not
  • As someone else said, keep a good eye on what you eat. Empty foods make you feel empty. Also, for me personally, I eat like a baby dinosaur when I don't get enough protein and fiber day to day.
  • As someone else said, keep a good eye on what you eat. Empty foods make you feel empty. Also, for me personally, I eat like a baby dinosaur when I don't get enough protein and fiber day to day.

    hahahahaha baby dinosaur...
  • I have found that by changing my headers in the food diary from breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack to time windows (4-7am, 7-10am, 10-1pm, 1-4pm and 4-7pm) I am able to both see what I'm eating in each time window AND make sure that I'm eating a little bit every 2-3 hours which is supposed to help keep my metabolism higher (keeping me in fat burning mode and out of fat storing mode) as well as making sure I don't eat anything that will be digesting after I go to bed at 9pm which mostly gets stored as fat instead of burned off by my body.

    I have also increased my water intake! I have found that by drinking at least one glass of water BEFORE each meal, I don't need to eat as much to feel full. My water bottle is my new best friend, followed by my tennis shoes because I have also implemented walking into my daily commute :)

    I know not all of these may work for you, but, I have lost 6lbs so far by doing these things and that's without coming under my calorie goal everyday. If i were to me more disciplined with my intake I can only imagine how many lbs would be gone by now!